

Today is SaturdayI get up at seven o#39 clock in the morning I have breakfast at about half past seven After breafast 快乐的一天英语怎么说, I do my home work At nine o#39 clock 快乐的一天英语怎么说,I play the piano,it is one of my;joy day 是两个词,读作 d#658#596#618 dei,中文意思是 “快乐快乐的一天英语怎么说的一天”,汉语可谐音为 “教艾 戴”;快乐的一天英语a happy day happy 读音 英#712h#230pi 美#712h#230pi形容词 快乐的, 幸福的,巧妙的,有点醉意的 例句Marina was a confident, happy child 玛丽娜是个自信快;你注意到了没有你的句子里少了成分,那就是一个冠词a 改为It#39s a very happy day最好用感叹句what an interesting day what a wonderful day;Today is SaturdayI get up at seven o#39clock in the morningI have breakfast at about half past seven After breafast ,I do my home work At nine o#39clock ,I play the piano,it is one of my hobbie。

快乐的一天英文a happy day 一a 1含义art 一个每一个任一个n 英语字母表的第一个字母学业成绩得优者表示“最好”的符号 2用法 通常来说,a 是用在以辅音开首的词前面,an 是用;一天很长,一天其实又很短,关键是你怎样度过下面,我为你整理了快乐的一天英语作文,希望对你有用快乐的一天英语怎么说!快乐的一天英语作文篇1 Today is SaturdayI get up at seven o#39 clock in the morningI have breakfast at about。


上周日我和李磊度过了快乐的一天用英语表达Li Lei and I had a happy day last Sunday注完全没有问题,希望帮助到您请及时点击采纳;oh , my god , how happy i amToday is the happiest day in all my life ,and i coundn#39t help speaking out to all of you 译文最快乐的一天今天我十岁,我今天很开心但它不是事实上的原因今天;what a tired and happy day todayhow delighted and tired a dayit is so tired and happy today。

祝你度过快乐的一天Have a good day美好的一天 a perfect day美好的一天 a glorious day 昨天是我最高兴的一天,因为我在英语演讲比赛获得第一名Yesterday was a red letter day for me because I won the;Oh! happy happy day 哦!快乐的一天 Oh! happy happy smile 哦!快乐的微笑 Oh! happy happy day 哦!快乐的一天 Oh! happy happy crazy tonight哦!疯狂快乐的今晚 快乐的一天英文是 A happy day;问题一quot快乐的一天quot 英语怎么说 The happy day 问题二英文快乐的一天开始了怎么写 A happy day begins问题三希望过个快乐的一天,用英语怎么说 Wish a happy day Hope to have a happy one day I hope。

a happy day Today, I got up very early, I had a very good breakfast, then I went out to play with my friend, We had a very good time In the afternoon, I went swimming with my father, it was;but we felt very good in the waterAfter supper I began to do my homework,I didn#39t think it is difficult,so I finished it very earlyThen I read some books and went to bed 快乐的一天 今天我起得;Yesterday is a happy day加油不明白再问如果帮到你,请采纳,谢谢。



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