

看着那一道道精细得有如风景画一般的日式料理,初到日本的游客往往不忍破坏那份美丽 6用英文介绍日本 Japan is a very beautiful and modern country Its image is a *** all island country with popular natural site such as。

Japan is wellknown for its many volcanoes, and consequently there are a lot of hot springs onsen all over Japan Many Japanese people like to spend their holidays in hot springs Even monkeys like hot。

比如山本,在日语中读作“呀嘛某头”那么翻译成英文则是Yamamoto 桥本,在日语中读作“哈西某头”那么翻译成英文则是Hashimoto 丰田,在日语中读作“头由它”那么翻译成英文则是Toyota 日本的首都。

Japan Japanese 日本, Nihon or Nippon is an island country located in the Pacific Ocean, east of China and Korea, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea in the south。


The climate of Japan is predominantly temperate,but varies greatly from north to south日本的天气是非常的温和的,但是南北的差异非常显著HokkaidōThe northernmost zone has a temperate climate with long,cold winters。



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