

1、这个句子既有有法错误物质生活英语,又有中式英语的翻译痕迹物质生活英语,我建议还是修改修改This activity was held to make the families know the differences beween the poor and the rich物质生活英语, and also make the parents understand that giving物质生活英语;After entering the in the 1960s of the 20th century century物质生活英语, people#39s material and cultural standards have been greatly improved, the wealth of the community also greatly enriched;Thing system Le Systeme des that Jean Baudrillard publishes to the concept consuming one , on 1968Objects, 1968, trans 1996 and 1970 consume society The consumer society Myths and structures can;“铃铃铃 “,第五节课,我们认真地读英语第六期数学课上,大家都用我们的大脑思考的主题学校,一些学生到操场上,用扫帚,清扫落叶,一些学生在跑道上练习身体,一些学生早早回家校园的生活是如此丰富多彩,我爱我;4虽然不能满足你最大的物质生活,但我可以把我的心来满足你 Although can#39t meet your biggest material life, but I can put my heart to meet you 5世上最幸福的事坏脾气的她遇到好脾气的他,他却爱上了她 In;Material standard of living 例句 以下例句来源于网络,仅供参考 1随着物质生活水平的不断提高,人们对生活的质量有了更高的要求With the improvement of people#39s material conditions, people have higher demands for li;这个时候只有金钱金钱就是物质的一种前面必须要解释何为物质生活2 第二,你可以提一下现在的物价都在疯涨,飙涨需要举例说明,比如说是油价食用油,和汽油都在涨,房价等所以,连自己的基本需要都没有;我们的科学也更注重技术西方人的文化更注重理性,主张从根本上来认识世界,要运用理性思维来把握世界,并且积极改造世界,使世界来适应我们,在这种思想下,人们更加注重物质生活,而且科学也更注重理论的研究英语eastern c。


2、world的意思是世界,天下,地球world,英语单词,主要用作名词n,译为“世界领域世俗全人类物质生活”world的基本意思1world的基本意思是“世界,天下”,常与介词in连用,其前面可加不定冠词a2;人们在追求丰富物质生活的同时,对健康和生民的关注也越来越高 In the meanwhile of seeking diverse material comfort,people are paying more and more attention to the health care and livelihood。

3、excessive materialized life 带有一点点贬义~指过分物质化的生活,不知道是不是LZ想要的意思~。

4、quot物质生活quot和quot精神生活quot用英语应该怎么翻译 material life spiritual life material civilization 物质文明 spiritual civilization 精神文明 求lt我在那一角落患过风伤的quot简谱quot或quot五线谱quot我朋友空间里面有,但是是三手的窝;Since the reform and openingup, China#39s socialist market economy has developed dynamically The life of residents has tremendously improved;My college life I am proud of being a college student I like my college life as it is so wonderful time in my youth As being born in small village of the remote countryside, I didn#39t have a;“世界那么大,我想去看看”的英文The world is so big that I want to see it big 读法 英 b#618g 美 b#618ɡ1作形容词的意思是 大的重要的量大的 2作副词的意思是大量地顺利;“世界”英语说法world 读法英 w#604#720ld 美 w#605ld释义n 世界领域世俗全人类物质生活 world war世界大战 My World我的小小世界 Another World另一个世界 World Record世界纪录 例句。



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