第三产业英语(第三产业 翻译)


第三产业 the service industrythe tertiary industry 递延资产 deferrable assets 订货不足 insufficient orders 定期存款 time deposits 定向募集 raising funds from targeted sources 东道国请见“母国” host country 独立核算;78“第三产业”thirdtertiary industry,service sector,third sequence of enterprises79“第四产业”quaternaryinFORMation industry 79“军嫂”military spouse 80“峰会”香港译“极峰会议summitconference。

Self assessmentI very like securities in this industry, oneself also fry for years, and also opened futures account The future is trend of the third industry, service such as financial investment, consumption;A new phase in the new century, the CPC Central Committee and State Council to expand domestic demand and promoting consumption to promote the establishment of longterm strategy for national economic development。

Changsha, calls “the star city”, is the Hunan Province#39s provincial capital in ChinaXiangjiang River in Changsha of the most important rivers, from south to north through the whole territory, within the。




Cro是克罗地亚的英语简称克罗地亚共和国英语Republic of Croatia,简称克罗地亚,是位于欧洲东南部的共和国,处于地中海及巴尔干半岛潘诺尼亚平原的交界处,首都为萨格勒布。


第三的英语third ,读音英 θ#604#720d 美 θ#604#720rd释义num 第三三分之一 adj 第三的三分之一的 词汇搭配 1third party 第三方 2third class 三等的 3third person。

第三产业英语(第三产业 翻译)

tertiary industry第三产业 tourismtravel industry旅游业 tour guide导游 local guide地陪 national guide全陪 escort陪同 sightseeing观光,游览 travel brochure旅游手册 tourist resources旅游资源 tourist destination旅游目的地 FI。


1、ray collar workers这一新词,专指从事quot第三产业quot服务行业的人员,与white collar workers和blue collar workers相映成趣 grey market半黑市grey area灰色地区指失业严重地区purple紫色,紫色是高贵华美之色,有幸运之意,如 bor。

2、#x25AA 第三产业9 社会#x25AA 科技事业#x25AA 教育事业#x25AA 文化事业#x25AA 卫生事业#x25AA 体育事业10 旅游11 特产#x25AA 食品#x25AA 名菜12 名人历史沿革编辑开平 碉楼秦朝,秦始皇派兵攻取南越,在岭南设置南海桂林象郡,今开平地以下简称开平。

3、与whiteblue collar相映成趣的是grey collar workers,这是个新词汇,指从事“第三产业”即服务行业的人员短语 the grey ofthe morningdawn意为“黎明时分”,这跟天蒙蒙亮时的灰蒙蒙一片不无关系Purple紫色紫色是高贵。

4、一般认为服务业即指生产和销售服务商品的生产部门和企业的集合服务业的相关英语解释service A service is something that the public needs, such as transport, communications facilities, hospitals, or energy supplies。



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