

1、致父母给父母的一封信英语的一封信英语篇一 Dear parents,How is everything these days给父母的一封信英语? I miss you very muchI am very happy at my new shool My teachers and shoolmates are very friendly to me They ofen help me with my。

2、篇一 In the early morning, my sister went out and brought home a bunch of pretty flowers Right after my mother got up out of bed, we said quotHappy Mother#39s Dayquot! to her and gave her the flowers。

3、用英语写信给父母篇一 Dear Mom and Dad, The time has come I’m graduating, and I thank you both for all your help during these 15 years I still remember when you guys used to say, “You can be whatever yo。

4、world and I will love you foreverYours,XXX 猜你喜欢1 给家长给父母的一封信英语的一封信英文 2 给父母一封信英文 3 给父母的一封信英文 4 致家长的一封信英语版 5 给父母的感谢信英文范文 6 英语致家长的一封信。



6、Dear parents,How is everything these days? I miss you very muchI am very happy at my new shool My teachers and shoolmates are very friendly to me They ofen help me with my studyNow I am not。

7、Dear parents,How is everything these days? I miss you very muchI am very happy at my new shool My teachers and students are very friendly to me They ofen help me with my studyNow I am not。

8、A letter to my parents写给父母的一封信I love you , I love you so much ,I love you from my bottom of my heart this letter to you is to tell you my true feeling我爱你们非常的。

9、yoursXXX 亲爱的父母,一切都好,这些天怎么样?我非常想念你们我很高兴在新学校我的老师和同学也对我很友好,他们经常帮助我学习我现在不担心我的英语,因为我太多进步了,我变得越来越能干我的学校在这里生活同样。

10、Dear Mum and Dad,I#39m writing to you in school libraryI#39m very happy to wrote again To my surprise, great changes have taken place here recentlyToday I went to Wangfujing Street Now the streets are。

11、Dear mom and dadYou are good!This is the first time I write to you, I want to write down the words of my heartYou I had many of the night was up all night, you how many tears flow to me。

12、hope you everything goes well best wishes to you love you 亲爱的父母 你们最近过得好吗我很想念你们,离开你们已经有两个多月了,我在学校一切安好老师和同学们对我也非常友好他们经常帮助我学习现在我。


14、大一开学的第一篇英语作文给父母的一封信Dear mom and DadUnconsciously, I have grown up from an ignorant little boy I will start an independent college life soonFirst of all, I would like to thank you。

15、Dear parents, How is everything these days? I miss you very much I am very happy at my new shool My teachers and shoolmates are very friendly to me They ofen help me with my studyNow I am not。



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