

uniformity of product 产品的统一性一致英文,品质一律不变 双语例句Effects of processing parameters on shrinkage and its uniformity of product by injection compressing molding 注射压缩工艺参数对制品收缩率及其均匀度的影响;reach俯agreement on sth就达成一致 意见 问题二在方面达成一致用英语怎么翻译 reach an agreement in 问题三“经过双方的协商一致英文,最终达成一致”英文怎么说 The two parties reach an agreement af。

保持一致的英文keep pace with 例If a man does not keep pace with his companions,perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer如果一个人没有保持与同伴一样的节奏,可能是因为他听到一致英文了不同的鼓点重点;same as adj和一样,与相同 be the same with 适用于,与一样 the same that 与一样,和相同 the same as 与一致的,与相同的 重点来说说the same as 音标#240#601。

同意的英文agree agree 读法 英 #601#39ɡri#720 美 #601#39ɡri#720v 同意赞成承认符合一致 例句 1We agreed to leave at once我们同意立即离开2I, for my part, totally;与一致 In accordance withconform withCorrespond to与不一致 be unaligned withbe incongruous with与一致,符合 in accordance with。

be consistent with in accordance with, 两者用法基本一样例His behavior is consistent with in accordance with his words 他言行一致或者可以用 accordance的动词形式His behavior accords with his words 他。



意见一致的英文agree see eye to eye have identical ideas share an opinionagree,英语单词,既可用作及物动词也可用作不及物动词,作及物动词时意为“同意,赞成承认约定,商定”作不及物动词时意为“同意。

一致的英语是fit fit 英f#618t 美f#618tv 适合,合身 适应,合得来 可容纳,装进 试穿衣服 和相称,符合 为放置于而设计 安置,安装在某处 安排时间会面。

与一致的英文是什么 与一致 In accordance withconform withCorrespond to与不一致 be unaligned withbe incongruous with与一致,符合 in accordance with 一样用英语怎么说 the。

团结一致的英文unite as oneunite as one例句1在这个过程中,我们相互帮助,团结一致In this process, we help, to unite as one mutually2总统面对激烈的反政府抗议呼吁全国团结一致The president has。

言行一致 词典match word to deedbe as good as one#39s wordsDeeds accord with wordsfit one#39s actions deedsto one#39s wordsPractise what you preach例句我们始终都是言行一致,说话算话We always。


在某事上达成一致意见 英文come to an agreement on sth 例句After a long discussion we#39ve come to an agreement on barter trade经过长时间的讨论,我们已在易货贸易方面达成一致英文了协议词汇解析1come to 英。

“统一”英文说法unify 读法英 #39ju#720n#618fa#618 美 #39jun#618fa#618释义vt 统一使相同,使一致 unify processor合一处理机 Unify Desktop统一桌面 unify into使成一体 Message Unify。

agree with,in accordance with一英语的起源与发展 1英语英文English是一种西日耳曼语,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠。

In order to clear the rights and obligations of both partiesAgreed upon by both parties through consultationThis agreement is made in two,both parties hold one respectively,has the same legal effect。

标签: 一致英文



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