

1、假期计划英语作文一 The national day is coming soon At that day, I would like to go to Beijing,Because I never have been there before This year, we will have eight days off, so my parents deci。


2、After a few days, I’m going to finish my homework, because I am going back to my school on February 16th 寒假就要来我的假期计划英语作文了,我很兴奋我想要完善我的寒假计划,现在给我的假期计划英语作文你们讲讲我的计划 假期刚开始的几天我。

3、假期计划英语作文及翻译篇1 I will have a sevenday holiday next week In these days, I have many things to do First, I must finish the exercises left by teachers, Chinese, math and English It may。

4、假期计划英语作文篇一 I decide to make a plan about my holidayLet me tell you about my own idea!If i want to make myself health ,I should take more exercise and eat more vegetables and fruits Do no。

5、我的五一假期计划的英语作文一 May Day is coming We will have three days holiday I want to do so much things during this holiday On the first day , I plan to finish all my homework so that I can。

6、1我的假期英语作文 Summer holiday is coming I want to go to Beijing I go to Beijing with my father , my mother and my brother We want to go there by plane because it takes less time We。

7、我的假期英语作文带翻译My holiday Summer holiday is coming I want to go to Beijing I go to Beijing with my father , my mother and my brother We want to go there by plane because it takes。

8、假期旅游计划一 In this winter break,I have a plan to travel to JapanThe reason I planned to travel to Japan is because I saw many interesting facts about Japan in the internet like there are a lot。

9、trip together !I can not wait! 假期计划英语作文50词2我的暑假 我决定制定一个计划对我的假期让我告诉你关于我自己的想法!如果我想让自己健康,我应该多锻炼,多吃蔬菜和水果不要忘了做家庭作业不管怎样,我认为。

10、帮助我的家长做一些事情我知道我的家长在日常生活中都十分劳累我爱他们,他们也爱我所以我将会尽我最大的努力帮助他们做掉一点家务劳动让他们拥有一个快乐 的假期What a nicety holiday!多么美好的假期呀。

11、我的假期快要到了我有一些假期计划,现在我会与你谈谈我的计划我会与我母亲在家做些家务在我的业余时间里,我会和我的朋友看电影或者踢足球有时我会和我的父母去我的祖父母 家看望他们我还会在每天晚上做我。


13、A PlanFor My Holiday The holiday comes,I,maked a plan for my happy holidayFirst,I will have a good rest so that I can learn better when I bank to schoolSecond,I would be carefully in doing my。

14、假期计划的暑假来临我会为这个假期的计划第一,要读一些书第二,来帮助父母做家务 去拜访我的祖父母The advent of summer vacation plansI will for this vacation plansFirst,you want to read some books。





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