

杰克喜欢打篮球他喜欢踢足球英语,也喜欢踢足球英 Jack likes playing basketball他喜欢踢足球英语, also like to play football我认为他喜欢踢足球英语他不喜欢踢足球 英语翻译 i don#39t think he likes playing football他喜欢打篮球,但不喜欢游泳他喜欢踢足球英语的翻译是什么意思;他爱踢足球,比赛时他总是跑的很快 He enjoys playing soccer, and in competitions, he always runs really fastHe likes playing soccer, and he always runs very fast in matchesHe loves playing soccer, and he。

Tom是我的好朋友他16岁他来自美国他与父母一起生活在中国他喜欢踢足球唱歌和画画他英语很好,但他的中文不好他经常帮我学英语,我帮他学中文我们每个星期日都去踢足球当我们聚在一起的时候,我们总是;楼主,您好英语介绍如下My friend Jack Green is an English studentHe likes playing football and basketball以上,望楼主采纳,谢谢。

but also football这个只用了一个LIKE,但是并不是那个LIKE不需要,在这里只是为了避免重复省略掉了后面的likes playing而已,如果补全就是第一种方法了,这种方法比较常用,符合英语国家特点,能省略则省略,比较道地;翻译如下 我的朋友是一名男孩他个子高,强壮他是一个乐于助人的人他喜欢踢足球 My friend is a boy He#39s tall and strong He#39s a helpful person He likes playing football。

不对,应该是he likes playing football as well as his father整体翻译为Like his father, he is also the same like playing football, not like her mother, she doesn#39t like playing the piano;翻译为英语He likes playing football 也可以说He enjoys playing football 1注意这里用like doing something意为喜欢做某事,也可以用like to something 2同义句,His favorite sport is football,他最喜欢足球运动。


他喜欢踢足球英语 He likes playing footballHe likes to play football短语搭配American football美式橄榄球,美式足球touch football触身式美式橄榄球national football澳大利亚式橄榄球league football橄榄球联盟澳大利亚式联盟制。

因为“喜欢”不是过去发生的动作而现在就不喜欢了,只能用一般现在时时态He likes playing football或 He likes playing soccer由于连系动词like的后面+名词,故此play要+ing变为动名词形式。

He often plays footballoften是经常,usually是通常,always是总是,请勿搞混它们都是常态动作,主语是第三人称,谓语要用第三人称单数。

您好,我们可以用下面这句话来精准的表达您这个意思He likes basketball, football and volleyball and so on英式音标hi#720 la#618k #712bɑ#720sk#618tb#596#720l , #712f。

play football,basketball and swim 英语 不像汉语,汉语语言每个词都有意义,一句话可以有不同的意思,所以翻译英语就要翻译成不同的意思英语很简单,一句话全包括了,没有额外的意思以上不加play就可以理解为他喜欢踢足球英语你喜欢足球。



1、He#x27s a little tall, he#x27s very outgoing, he#x27s very smart and he works very hard He likes playing football very much 他有点高,很外向,很聪明,工作也很努力他非常喜欢踢足球。

2、My good friend is Li Zhong, he is of medium height, with a short hair, do not wear glasses He likes reading and playing chess, also likes playing football, he is the captain of the school football。

3、Does he likes playing football?解释一下我的答案啊 因为是第三人称单数比如she她所以疑问词要用Does 如果是 我你 或者第三人称复数比如They他们疑问词就要用 Do啦然后就是like 在这句话中要用什么形式。



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