

to delayto impedeto fiddleto throw backa stopoverto detain,这几种表达都可以,希望可以帮到你。


耽误行程 Delay the schedule 请各位乘客,在托运前做好检查,保证在托运行李中没有锂电池, 以免耽误行程Please check your luggage in case of any lithium batteries, or your schedule might be postponed酒店房满怎么。

英语是Neglect one#39s studies , delay studying解释neglect 英n#618#712glekt 美n#618#712ɡl#603ktvt 忽略 疏忽 遗漏 疏于照顾n 怠慢 玩忽 被忽略的状态例句。

did i delay your time ?Did I make you hode up?Did I waste your time?觉得自己翻的很不好应该有个很口语化的句子。

Can you spare me a few minutes?Can you give me some time?,7,Can you spare me a few minutes or can u give me a few minutes,0,我能耽误您几分钟吗?英语怎么说?我能耽误您 占用您 英语怎么说?呵呵,地道。

的通知 9人动物等的栖身处藏匿处,躲避处 10美国英语耽误,拖延悬而未决 11美国英语电话接通后的不挂断,守候对方接电话 12音乐延长记号 13语音学发音器官保持发音位置的持续时间。

excuse me sir, could you take a moment and see if I was right for this englsih passage。

可以翻译成We have lost quite a lot of time for the class, and must therefore make up for it希望能够帮到您。

翻译He was ill for more than a month, which has really set him back in his studies 本题主要考查which的用法一ill 1含义adj 坏的有病的恶意的引起痛苦的adv 恶劣地勉强地n 邪恶。

典型的说法有两种Can you spare me a few minutes?I#39d like to borrow you for a few minutes。

朋友,你好!你看起来是老外吧,对中国邮局这么不长心而生气,可以理解如果是我也会发火这种方式回答,一种是委婉的,一种是原味的抱怨的我两种都回答你的1委婉的 Dear friend,I feel very sorry about the China。

I#39ve been in lots of diners, and they#39ve always seemed to be warm, busy, friendly, happy places That#39s why, on a recent Monday night, I stopped in a diner for a cup of coffee I was returning。

She is a 30yearold woman,but look like you are over 20 years old We can no longer delay time Give all new employees training He received professional training This cake is divided into 4 parts Climb a。

Therefore, the delay of the study, the English test failed。

1against作“反对”解时反义词是for2against用在fight,strive,struggle等词后面,同with意思相同,不过against更强调一种困难中的反抗We fight for the weak against the strong3作为介词,against后接的宾语有时。

真不好意思,今天耽误你太多时间了,早点睡觉吧,晚安I#39m really sorry to bother you and take you too much time Go to bed early Good night。


1 playing , to play 表示将来的状态不能用 2 leaving , 用进行时表示目前存在的状态 3 burning 同上。

标签: 耽误英语



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