

1、last weekend英语作文 篇1 On last weekend , I cleaned my room on Saturday And I went fishing with my familyOn last Sunday, I climbing mountains with my parents I watched TV on last Sunday afteroon。

2、My last weekend英语作文1 I had a happy weekend last weekOn Saturday morning, I watched TV and helped my mother wash clothes In the afternoon, I cleaned three bedrooms in my house mine, my parents。

3、last weekend英语作文 Last weekend,I was very busy but I was very happyI got up at 600 and had breakfastThen I did my homeworkAfter that,I cleaned my bedroom and washed my clothesI was very。

4、last weekend英语作文_第1篇Dear friends, I will tell you about my last weekendOn last Saturday, my parents and I went to the Beishan park to play First, we watched the flowers Then, we climbed the。

5、My last weekend英语作文 篇1 In the weekend, I like to go shopping with my mother We buy a lot ofthings, I choose all kinds of snacks, such as candy, milk, sometimes my motherprotects me buying too much candy。

6、This was last weekend翻译上周我度过了一个快乐的周末星期六早上,我看电视,帮妈妈洗衣服下午,我打扫了我家的三间卧室,我的,我父母的,还有我弟弟的星期天,我在公园踢足球然后我去了爷爷奶奶家爷爷弹。

7、第一篇英语作文 写作思路本文将描述上周末发生的事情,并分享一些有趣的经历和感受 英语原文 Title Last Weekend Last weekend was a blast! On Saturday morning, I met up with some friends for brunch at a new cafe in。

8、关于my#160last#160weekend小学生英语作文篇一 On the last weekend ,my father was watching Huang Feihong on the TVMy mother was playing computerI was doing my homework,It is so muchMy sister was。

9、您好,首先要向您致歉,由于我写的那篇太长了,输入电脑要很长时间,所以就在网上帮您找了几篇,您看满意与否1 Last Weekend I had a happy weekend last week On Saturday morning, I watched TV and helped。

10、on sunday morning,i#39m did homework and played computer gamesin the afternoon,i#39m went to a parkthis is my last weekendwhat about you?翻译我的最后一个周末很忙星期六早上,我妈妈和我一起去购物因。

11、Last weekend 上周末 Last weekend there were two days’ holidayI went to the park with my classmates on Saturday morningWe played games, we were very happyIn the afternoon, I read comic booksI like。

12、阿卡索是真人固定欧美外教一对一授课的,而且都是欧美师资,欧美师资的发音是很标准的,外教100%持有TESOL等国际英语教师资格证书my last weekend 的英语作文Dear friends, I will tell you about my last weekend亲爱的。

13、Last Weekend I had a happy weekend last weekOn Saturday morning, I watched TV and helped my mother wash clothes In the afternoon, I cleaned three bedrooms in my house mine, my parents’ and my。


14、my last weekendOn last Saturday, my parents and I went to the Beishan park to play First, we watched the flowers Then, we climbed the mountains Finally, we have flew the kite We have played a。

15、I went to my grandparents’houseGrandpa played the piano!The whole family was so happyLater,we wanted to swimBut it was too coldThis was last weekend其实随便写一些就可以了,初中英语作文没有太多限制。

16、last weekend Yesrerday was a fine dayWe had lunch in a resturantI play with my sisterShe was very happyAt about two o#39cock,we saw a filmTHE film was very interesting IT was very funnyThen。



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