

“在回家的路上”可以翻译为On the way home 例句有在回家路上查看你车子油量Check your gas tank level on the way home真正的高潮发生在回家路上在回家的路上英语,他们第一次看到了赛而菲马群The highlight was to come。

正确的表达是the way homeway和home中间不加任何东西在回家的路上英语,加了就是错的另外,在回家的路上 就是on the way home。

In future I will protect the surroundings more consciously and think more about others今天早上,在回家的路上英语我朋友骑车回家我坐在车后面,吃着香蕉吃完后,我随意把皮仍到了街上我一做完就认识到我所做的对环境是有害的。

您好,“我在回家的路上”翻译为英文是“I#39m on the way home”希望能帮到您。

On his way home在某人回家的路上英文翻译“on ones way home”表示在某人回家的路上以下是way的用法way作“方法方式手段”解时,前面常加介词in如果way前有thisthat等限定词,介词可省略,但如果放在句。

在我回家的路上我看见树叶黄了草也枯了 On my way home, I saw that the leaves were yellow and the grass was withered。

On my way home ,I saw so many worms that I couldn#39t count them or On my way home ,I saw many worms,too many for me to count祝你开心如意。

On my way home, I saw some beautiful flowers。


I find a cellphone on my way home这里有固定搭配on one‘s way to加地点,意为在某人去的途中,因为这里home为副词,所以省略to,为on my way home。

On my way home yesterday, a man give me a ride。

我考虑了几种说法,供参考 1 可以用on one#39s way home from xxx country 从国外回家必然是“回国”2 in the road for home from xxx country 3 on one#39s return journey 4 on the way to one#39s home country。

I ran across Uncle Wang on my way homeThe concert ended with an English songThe harder you try,the more you will progressWhat a beautiful house在回家的路上英语!You haven#39t been to Shanghai ,have you。



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