

Bicycles are very cheap and easy to buy In China, there are many advantages of cycling first Using bicycle can greatly reduce many air pollution in big citiesSecond generation people in big cities can imp;This carcan be in land,air,water andexerciseWhen itgot stuck in a traffic jamon the land,the computer willstart thequotflyingquotfunction,fly freely in the skywhen itmet the river,will start thequotdivingquot;英文The national future overpass will be more and more, after the traffic may be very crowded, may find a can fly in the sky, or teleporting中文国家未来的立交桥肯定会越来越多,以后交通或许会很拥挤;1 The future means of transportation that I assume is a rocket wind speed express train It has a submersible , still has a flamethrower While it thinks of a diving, four wheels are twisted with regard;future in the future ,i think a lot of great inventions will come outcars will able to fly in the sky or move in the waterin the sky,we can see a lot of transport,like train,motorcycle ,light ra;近10多年来,上海修建了地铁高架路跨江大桥越江隧道等许多道路基础设施,中心城区初步形成了以quot申quot字型高架路quot十字加半环quot的轨道交通线quot三纵三横quot主干道和越江工程为主体的现代交通网络,但市民的感觉却是事实;the vehicles of the future Nowadays,the technology has become so advanced,more and more people have owned the private cars ,but in the mean time ,the air pollution has become worse and worse,though the;我相信未来私人的汽车没有它将会现场变成最重要的车辆和我们 cann#39t 交通安全英语作文 With the development of the modern technology,private car is no longer a luxurious thing for ordinary people,more and more people drive。


as seen in Economics of automobile ownership and people who use cheaper transport can use the money elsewhere Bike can save on gas, oil changes, brake repairs, tires, car washes, parking fees, and a gym;我未来的生活会是丰富多彩的我大学毕业后会成为一名好医生我相信我会给我的家人带来健康和幸福闲暇之余我会陪伴我的家人我们会到很多地方旅游,做很多运动我也会尽可能多读书即使工作很忙碌我也不会放弃学习;A Day of life in 2040 It is seven o’clock in the morning when I wake up on April 4,2040 My wife is still sleeping I hurry up for I have an important meeting at nine o’clock in Tianjin I;#160#160 毫无疑问,交通拥堵成为大部分城市地区居民越来越担心的问题在繁忙时段,一些主要道路经常交通堵塞有限的交通容量是导致这一令人烦恼的问题的主要原因怎样解决这个令人头疼的问题呢#160#160#160。

the vehicles of the future Nowadays,the technology has become so advanced,more and more people have owned the private cars ,but in the mean time ,the air pollution has become worse and worse,though the gove。

Nowadays students can go to school by bus,by bike,on foot or in their parents#39carsTaking a bus is the a good way,it is fast and cost lessBut it needs fuel or gases,and it produces gases that;My future plan我未来的打算I decided to be a middle teacher after college There are many reasons contribute to this decisionFirstly, when I was a littleboy, I have been dreaming of being a teacher。



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