

1抱歉这句话用英语怎么说,我只会讲一点英语I am sorry My English is limited2抱歉,这句话我听不懂I am sorry I cannot get it this这个要有上文,因为这句话用英语怎么说你是接着上一句说的,没有必要说this sentence3在生命最。

这句话 英语是This sentence 也可以说 this word \this remark 例句 星期五晚上他传来这句话用英语怎么说了这句话On Friday evening he passed this word along由于不确定这句话究竟是什么意思,赖尔选择这句话用英语怎么说了保持沉默Unsure of the。

tell 英tel 美t#603lvt 讲述 告诉,说。

1这个如果理解表面意思可以翻译可译为What you have done on March and April will give you answers on August and September!2如果意译的话What you have done will pay off!3如果要翻译得更加准确,需要根据。

What are you doing here? 是最常见的中性的比较正宗的询问方式,不像汉语里,如果想用这句话表达反感不欢迎等态度只需加重语气即可,英语如果想表达不耐烦不欢迎惊讶等情感,最好加上上下语境举例What do。

We need your help need是动词We are in need of your help need是名词比如Deeds are better than words when people are in need of help当有人需要救助的时候,行动胜于言语。

01翻译I have never cared of him02说明a使用现在完成时,表示过去的动作影响到现在从来一直这样不放在心上bcare of ,在意留心,也就是“放在心上”的意思现在完成时,所以使用过去分词cared。

读心术thoughtreading,或者可以说是 a skill of reading the intention所以翻译就是Do you believe that I#39ve got a skill of thoughtreading?或者Do you believe that I#39ve got a skill of reading the。

回答和翻译如下感谢编辑指出了我们在引用和借鉴文献上存在的错误,让我们及时意识到这些错误可能带来的严重后果Thank the editor for pointing out the mistakes in our references and references, so that we can realize。

原计划准备去开会,现在因故去不了了 I planned to attend the meeting but can#39t go for some reason“原有”这种意思只需用过去式来表达就可以了,比如 I thought he was smart, but he is a fool indeed我。

简单的,并且较正确的说法应该是The two cows didn#39t get farmer#39s permission and drove his car to pick up his girlfriend如果非要用到permissible这个词,那就这么说The two cows didn#39t get farmer#39s。

因此,该法得到的产物在径向的尺寸可以通过挤出口模的孔径进行调控,而在纵向上的尺寸并不能精确控制,只能得到一个范围值英文Therefore, the radial size of the product can be controlled by the pore diameter of。

I am sorry for such a long time did not give you send email Do not worry, I am very well, thank you for your concern。


回答和翻译如下主要是由于这些肥料的水溶性很高,施入土壤后大量的养分不能被植物利用就流失到周围环境中,造成了巨大的浪费和环境污染等问题The main reason is that the water solubility of these fertilizers is very。

你这是自我勉励的话吧这句话挺不错的我自己翻译出来的,希望表达出你心里的意思Everyone in this world wears maskI#39ll live my life,even if they all turn their back to me。

我想知道下面这句话的英语说法 I don#39t know what happened, but i believe it was a beautiful encounter下面这句话用英语怎么说 Owing to wrong operation,goods fell to ground while being movedUsing。

回答和翻译如下这主要是由于水进入A以后,整个体系的自由焓降低若水从A中逸出,体系的自由焓会升高,不利于的体系稳定故A中的水份只能在外部环境缺水的条件下逐步释放出去This is mainly due to the decrease of。

回答和翻译如下不添加A的土壤的失水速率明显高于添加A的土壤同时,随着A的加入量的增加,土壤的保水能力逐步提高The rate of soil water loss without adding A was significantly higher than that of soil added。



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