


2、这里不能直译,要用英文习惯表达法Lost更常见寻物启事英语怎么说的是要加上所寻的东西如丢了狗,则可写成Lost Dog。

3、寻物启事Lost and Found 失物招领Lost and Return 区别前者,隐约有一种求人办事的味道,无期限要求后者,给人一种拾金不昧,隐含着过期不办的意味希望可以帮到你。

4、Found 失物招领 I picked up a new red backpack on the playground in the morning of yesterday after our baseball gameThere are an English book,a mathmatic book,and a physics textbook in the backpack Besides。


6、Lost Watch Notice I lost my watch this morning at the school library The watch is silver in color with a black leather strap It has a small scratch on the backIf anyone has found it, please contact。

7、寻物启事Lostxxx I lost my xxxMy name is xxxIf found, please call me at xxxxxxx招领启事Foundxxx Is this your xxx寻物启事英语怎么说?My name is xxxPlease call me at xxxxxxx。

8、1 求一篇50字写寻物启事的英语作文,急啊 Lost and FoundMy name is Li Mingming, I lost a Green#39s Fairy Tales book in the park yesterday I am very worried because it is very important for me。

9、标题是一个大大的 Missing,然后加上要找的物件,并说明什么时候在什么地方丢失的别忘了附上你的联系方式例Missing Dog Beautiful Samoa, pure white, 2 years oldMissing in Hyde Park 11102013 If found。

10、My name is Peter I lost a set of keys, with three keys on it which I left in the playground Anyone found the set of keys please call me at 6816472。



12、1寻人启事 一般都用 与LOST 相关的表达 寻人启事Child LostMan LostWoman Lost,遗失启事property Lost,通缉令Wanted,招领启事Found,迁移启事Removal,征稿启事Contributions Wanted,鸣谢Acknowledgements。

13、Lost My name is XXXI lost a student#39s card yesterdayIf someone found it,please call me at 4567856Thank you。

14、Tom accidently lost his ID card in the morning, he was very worried A man found his ID card and gave it back to his, Tom was very glad, and thought he looked rather familiar, he suddenly remembered。

15、At 930 am this Saturday, Mr Perkin carelessly lost his suitcase when he went to Jin Ancestral Temple from Yingze Street by bus The suitcase is square, orange color and made of leather On it。

16、A Jacket Lost In the playground, May12, a Jacket, green in colour and with a zipper in the collar lost, finder please return it to the owner, Krutch Room 203, Dormitory 9寻茄克衫 5月12日本人不慎在。



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