

1、失物招领英语范文一On the evening of January 4th失物招领启事英语, 2008, I found an electronic dictionary in the English readingroom on the 3rd floor of the new library in the east district of our university The electro。

2、失物招领启事英文范文1 Lost and Found!In a last few day,I lost a English book,If someone have pick it up,Please reture to me,My name is Please! Please! Please!失物招领启事英文范文2 Lost。

3、寻物启事Lost and Found 失物招领Lost and Return 区别前者,隐约有一种求人办事失物招领启事英语的味道,无期限要求后者,给人一种拾金不昧,隐含着过期不办的意味希望可以帮到你。

4、失物招领 标题Found中间位置日期Sep 6, 2012 写在右上角正文I happened to find a Chinese dictionary in our school this afternoon, inside which there are some cards and other things Loser is。

5、失物招领 I picked up a new red backpack on the playground in the morning of yesterday after our baseball gameThere are an English book,a mathmatic book,and a physics textbook in the backpack Besides,a s。



7、失物招领英语范文一On the evening of January 4th, 2008, I found an electronic dictionary in the English readingroom on the 3rd floor of the new library in the east district of our university The。

8、“寻物启事”的英文Lost and Found Found 读法 英 fa#650nd 美 fa#650nd1vt 创立,建立创办 2v 找到find的过去分词短语1file not found 文件未找到 2be found guilty 被认定有。

9、英文作文失物招领启事 篇3when i came to school this morning, i found an oxford dictionary, which is the sixth printing on the ground of school gate i was afraid it would be demaged if nobody piched。

10、Dear Owner尊敬的业主Hello!您好Our safety management personnel picked up a children#39s bicycle at the gate of the community at about 330 pm on January 13, 2015, and asked the owner to go to。

11、失物招领LostI lost my penIt is black I lost it in the school on January 1st If you find it, please call me at 3442988My name is Mary Thank you寻物启事 FoundI found a pencil box I。

12、Lost and Found失物招领Founda set of keys Is this your keys?Please call mePhone # 8886765 新目标课程,第二单元SectionB 3a学的就是失物招领呵呵。

13、失物招领 Lost found 有人昨天在餐厅拾到一件灰色的西装上衣上衣口袋内有现金等物,请失主到总服务台认领Someone picked up yesterday in a gray suit jacket Jacket pocket with money and other things, to the。

14、招领启示一个戒指,找John 电话号码5 Found I found a ring ,is it your ring ,if it is your ring ,please call John at 5 寻物一个手表 失主是Steve 电话5 Lost I lost a watch,if。

15、lost and found一般是写在失物招领处的标语,故其包含失物招领启事英语了丢失东西的人寻物,与找到无主物品交付给失物招领处的两重意思及如果你丢了东西,请到这里来,如果你拾到了东西,亦可交给失物招领启事英语我们寻主。

16、Found On the evening of January 4th,2005,I found an electronic dictionary in the English readingroom on the 3rd floor of the new library in the east district of our universityThe electronic dictionary can。

17、Found watch Because I am immodesty, and September 2 at noon in the bathroom lost watch a, if have, please return the pick up 2 give room 8, wang feng deeply gratefulSeptember 2, 2002 The lost and。

18、初一英语失物招领和寻物启事的小作文 I lost my wallet with carelessness on my way to school this morning Inside there is some money, IP card and a monthly ticket Will the finder please send it to No。



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