

“得之坦然,失之淡然,争其必然,顺其自然”翻译成英文是Loss of calm, of couse, contend for the inevitable, let nature take its course“得之坦然,失之淡然,争其必然,顺其自然”已经找不到出处,一般用作;打太极好在休养生息顺其自然play Tai Ji 打太极 , rehabilitate 休养生息,let it will be 随它去吧 顺其自然 ,句子的英语可以这么表达 Playing Tai Ji is good for people to rehabili table;顺其自然 英汉 翻译样例 习语 It is fire to take what come naturally K顺其自然就好 life 汉英 I have no way to deal with it, let a thing slide我毫无办法处理,顺其自然吧 英汉;前半句无需多想,live a simple life,simplify my life,都可以表达“让生活变得简单”的意思,后半句需要稍微思考一下根据上下文,这里所说的顺其自然并非是指任其发展的“顺其自然”,因此不宜译为let sth slide,而指的;everything like water flowing ,Let It Be。

2Take it one day at a time 顺其自然,不为未来计划 Take it one day at a time 的中文意思是指顺其自然的意思,也就是事情来了再面对,不事先做计画,或是可以说是随遇而安的意思或是顺其自然的英语你也可以说 Take;Get it calmly, lose it lightly, fight for its inevitability, and let nature take its course摘要“得之坦然,失之淡然,争其必然,顺其自然”用英语怎么翻译提问Get it calmly, lose it lightly, fight;所谓“顺其自然”,意思是指顺应事物的自然发展,不人为去干涉但是真正的又有多少人能做到呢生活中有太多的东西我们都想要,也有很多美好的事物在消失,如果一直纠结于眼前得失,让自己非常痛苦,倒不如顺其自然,在;“顺其自然”的英文是let nature take its course例句I#39ll not worry about it I#39ll let nature take its course翻译我不再为此事发愁了,顺其自然吧重点词汇 course 英 k#596#720s,美 k。

顺其自然,网络翻译为let nature take its course,释义全部,let nature take its course,Let It Be,Que Sera Sera,Go with the flow,例句Yet this is not a postmodern quotnonmysteryquot mystery, and the case;顺其自然 let it be ,let it be 顺其自然 let it be ,let it be 低声说着,充满智慧的话 顺其自然吧 Whisper words of wisdom, let it be 伤心的人们 And when the broken hearted people 都一致同意;顺其自然英文 1顺其自然英文顺其自然的英语是什么 多种说法Letitbe顺其自然的英语!Youroppositionwon#8217tmakeanydifferenceJustletitbe!你反对也不能起什么作用,就顺其自然吧GowiththeflowThere#8217snothingIcan。


“顺其自然”在口语中可以直接用“leaveas it is ”下面的这些用法都是在网上搜到的 1Go with the flow顺其自然 2Doing what comes naturally顺其自然3Well,I let nature take its course就顺其自然吧;顺其自然3Well,I let nature take its course就顺其自然吧4It is fire to take what come naturally K顺其自然就好5Leave nothing to accident别让事情顺其自然网络释义1let nature take its cour;fate的基本意思是指不可改变不可避免的“命运”,常含人畏惧或无可奈何的意味顺其自然英语缩写theFates指希腊神话中的命运三女神,现在也有用thefates,用来指一切管理人的命运的神fate的近义词随缘单词destiny 英;顺其自然,一切随缘的英文Let nature take its course and everything goes with it nature 读法 英 #39ne#618t#643#601 美 #39net#643#602n 自然性质本性种类 短语1beauty of。

It#39s better to be natural What do you think?Let it be, what do you think;得之坦然, 失之淡然, 争其必然, 顺其自然英语Gain something is not excited Losing something is not disappointed See striving as inevitable, and follow what it comes。



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