

宜人的气候英文A pleasant climate1摩纳哥是著名旅游胜地气候宜人英语,娱乐场所和宜人的气候都吸引大批旅游者前去Monaco is a popular resort attracting tourists to its casino and pleasant climate2迷人的景观气候宜人英语,宜人的气候。

1逐个直译Beautiful environment, beautiful scenery and pleasant climatequot环境优美,风景秀丽,气候宜人quot这组词语通常用于描绘一个地方的自然面貌,气候情况通常用其中一个就足以表达含义了,可以全部直译出来,也可以简单浓缩。

the climate here is quite pleasant, neither too hot in summer nor too cold in winter。

Beautiful scenery and pleasant climate,tourists from all over the world will follow。

3位于,坐落于be located 4人口数字population numbers5人口密集人口众多populous 6带有with7悉尼歌剧院Sydney Opera House 8气候宜人the climate is comfortable 当然,以上仅仅。


the climate in Hannan is pleasent the sunshine is beautiful, the sea water is clear, the beach is charming and the air is fresh all the year。

没有a climate,但有a climate of 比如in a climate of violence and fear在一种暴力和恐惧的气候中,也有a tropical climate热带气候,a maritime climate海洋性气候,a hospitable climate宜人的气候。

That is a place where every season seems like spring with pleasant scenary,which makes it agreeable for living。


miss the freash sea foods! They werereally delicious! I believe I will go there again some day, because that#39s a place I lost myself there去年暑假,我们全家去了海南度假,那里的气候真的让人感觉很舒服。

Chengdu Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province, lies in the hinterland of the Chengdu Plain, in central Sichuan Covering a total land area of 12,400 square kilometers, Chengdu has a jurisdiction of over。

我只开头写一下吧Tianshui in March is a pleasant climate, beautiful scenery of a variety of peach blossoms, pear apricot flowers for the first time, a good place to travel is also a must for your。

The climate in our country is mild, but not always pleasant。

我的家乡 我的家乡在首都北京,这是一个交通便利气候宜人风景如画的地方说起北京,便不得不提这里的名胜古迹长城,它如一条巨龙盘卧在连绵不断的青山上当你登上长城鸟瞰的时候,好不惬意故宫和长城一样。

The weather in Hainan is always pleasant, the sun is shining all year round, the ocean is clean and the air is fresh You can lie on the beach, listen to the sounds of the ocean, look up at the。

海南天涯海角英文介绍天涯海角英语导游词 Fellow friendsWelcome everybody to arrive motherland most South End city Sanya to go sightseeing the traveling First asks everybody to turn on the glass to feel, the。

新概念英语第一册第5152课内容详解 导语气候是大气物理特征的长期平均状态,与天气不同,它具有稳定性下面我分享关于气候的英语课文,欢迎学习!Lesson 51 A pleasant climate宜人的气候 Listen to the tape then answer。




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