

One gets few talents天赋用英语怎么说, but diligence can fix it努力不是应该击败天赋天赋用英语怎么说,而是弥补天赋上天赋用英语怎么说的不足望采纳。


天才的英文geniustalent genius 读法 英 #39d#658i#720n#618#601s 美 #39d#658inj#601s1n 天才天赋用英语怎么说,天赋精神 2n Genius妙选 短语1universal genius 宇宙级天才全能之才。

I believe in dancing that was born inside of me From an early age I realized that I was born with this talent because I loved to dance, I was involved in all competitions and presentations of dance。

要把这份工作做好,天赋用英语怎么说你需要很大的天赋和勤奋 英文翻译如下 To do this job well, you need great talent and diligence。

genius 英 #712d#658ini#601s 美 #712d#658inj#601sn天才 天赋 天才人物 特别的才能 例句Chaplin was not just a genius, he was among the most influential figures。

有的只是同义词,通过例句区分能好理解也好记1aptitude表示天资,能力,侧重于capacity,capable,be able to这方面的it is your attitude ,not you aptitude that will determine your altitude 2endowment 只是有。



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