

1、An Embarrassing Experience一次尴尬一件尴尬的事英语作文的经历As is often the case一件尴尬的事英语作文, sometime last month I walked on the street and found someone smiling or even trying to talk to me, but I couldn#39t recall who he or she一件尴尬的事英语作文;I have probiems with my friend My friend is TomHe is the same age as meHe is really nice,and we gei on well,but he often comes to my home and playsSo I have little time to do my homework;最尴尬的事情 这是我的第一件尴尬的事情当我去医院的时候,我去付钱,但是前台把我的钱和卡扔了出来,她不是非常的耐心我非常的生气过后,我好了,没有说什么第二件事情我去洗澡,我没有开火,并且我就只能;Firstly , I want to let you know that I have been to America , which happened in last summer vacation After I was there for some time , I knew a girl whose name is Jerry , with whom I had a;joke’,my friend shoved meNever did I think that such a little force would put me on the spotDue to all the bags that were scattered on the floor,I stumbled on a few and tumbled on to someone。


2、写作思路选取生活中认为最尴尬一件事情,然后交代事情的原委就可以了范文如下Tonight, I went to the park with my father, mother and brother,We had a good time今天晚上,我和爸爸妈妈弟弟一起去公园玩;NEVER CHEATING ON THE TESTI have never cheated on any of the school tests or examsOne day,Tom asked me to help him cheat on the English examHe said that if he failed the exam,his Mom would be ver。

3、on the testi have never cheated on any of the school tests or examsone day,tom asked me to help him cheat on the english examhe said that if he failed the exam,his mom would be very angry with;I still remember that time when I was so embarrassed before her father That time we were plan to have a journey to the beach , and she asked me to pick her up at the dated time So when the t;Go to the supermarket to buy things, choose a lot, to the cash desk to pay, only to find that because of the change in the clothes, I didn#39t bring my wallet, but pretty much the queue of people;We have to admit that, comparatively speaking, our cities are not so clean and green as those in the developed countries There are not adequate trees, lawns and flowerbeds in such big cities as Beijing;An Embarrassed Matter It was the last day of the old year Towards noon time when I hurried to bus station, the No 943 Bus had just arrived I got on it and found a seat at the back But when。

4、The most embarrassed thing happening to me in a foreign country is during that time I went to America Firstly , I want to let you know that I have been to America , which happened in last summer;we had a pleasant conversation for ten minutes But when saying goodbye to each other, we both suddenly found she had mistaken me for my elder sister What an embarrassing experience it was!一件尴尬的事;我的英语很差,有一天上课,老师竟然发给全班每人一张印着我英语作文的讲义,我真是受宠若惊谁知老师发完讲义后,兴奋地说道“同学们,发给你们的这一篇作文很不简单,几乎所有想像得到的错误在这里面都可以找到现在;There are many good ways to get along with your parents You can tell your parents what you think and share your worries with them与父母相处有许多好办法,可以把自己心里想的事说给父母听,与父母一起分忧。



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