

这个一般不会直接翻译 而是意译的 要看具体情况 1如果是指一个人遇到矛盾用英语怎么说了心理上的问题一般还是用 psychological distress 比较符合习惯 例“solve many college students#39 psychological distress”2如果是指一种内心的斗争。

I#39m confusedI#39m quite confused问题三非常的矛盾用英文怎么说 Very contradictory 例如What he says and what he 川oes are very contradictory问题四”矛盾用英语怎么说我处于矛盾心理” 用英语怎么说 我处于矛盾心理 I am。

矛盾英语说法1contradiction 矛盾英语说法2contradict 矛盾英语说法3illogicality 矛盾英语例句人真是充满矛盾啊!What a bundle of contradictions is a man!他的叙述与事实矛盾His remark was contradictory to the t。


contradictory 一含义adj 矛盾的n 矛盾二用法contradictory矛盾用英语怎么说,英语单词矛盾用英语怎么说,形容词名词矛盾用英语怎么说,作形容词时译为“矛盾的反对的反驳的抗辩的”,作名词时译为“对立物矛盾因素”短语搭配contradictory opposite。

Represented by the conflict between people and society, conflict between person and person, conflict between human and nature, and the conflict between person and self。



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