

1、有关医生与病人英语对话篇1 大夫请进你哪里不舒服?Doctor Please come in What seems to be the trouble?病人肚子不舒服我想可能是昨晚吃得太多了Patient It#39s my stomach I think probably I had。

2、医生和患者英语对话篇一 病人早上好,大夫Patient Good morning, doctor医生早上好,哪里不舒服?Doctor good morning What seems to be the trouble?病人我最近有点失眠Patient I#39m suffering from inso。

3、医生和患者英语对话一 AHello, Miss Sit down, please你好,小姐请坐BHi, I am feeling terrible你好,我感觉糟糕透了AOh, what#39s wrong with you?哦,你怎么了?BMy whole body feels weak, and。

4、病人早上好,大夫 morning, doctor医生早上好,哪里不舒服?morning What seems to be the trouble?病人我最近有点失眠suffering from insomnia医生这种情况有多久了?long have you had this problem?病人三。

5、病人和一生的英文对话篇1 morning What#39s troubling you? You don’t look so good 医生早上好你哪里不舒服?你看起来不太好 morning, doctor I have a terrible #39ter#x026Ab#x0259l headache and I#39ve got no ap。

6、英语情景对话看病篇一病人早上好,大夫 Patient Good morning, doctor医生早上好,哪里不舒服?Doctor good morning What seems to be the trouble?病人最近有点失眠Patient Irsquom suffering from。


8、Ghello,doctor病人医生DWhat #39s the matter?医生你怎么了?GI#39ve got a stomachache病人我胃疼DDo you often have stomachache?医生你经常胃痛么?GNo,I don#39tI#39ve never had one before。

9、严重吗,医生?DanielYes, I am sure that you got the flu You need a shot是的我肯定你是得了流感你得打一针Doctor 3Oh, doctor Do I have to? I am afraid of needles!哦,医生真的要打针。

10、医生您有什么不舒服?病人两天来我的大便有点黑同时还感到虚弱医生您哪儿疼?询问病情What sems to be botheing you?您觉得哪儿不舒服?Has it hppened before?这种情况以前发生过吗?How long have you had the。

11、医生hello,what,s up你好,怎么啦病人I am not feeling well,May be I had a headache我不舒服,可能是头疼医生let me check your body让我检查一下你的身体医生It is not so。



13、医生大概3到4周您提醒我了,您是从事什么职业的? 病人我是一名教师 医生那样的话我建议您休息2个月 病人谢谢您,医生 医生不用客气 常用医学英语口语对话2 D What#39s the matter with you? P I have been。

14、DoctorHello John,what#39s wrong with you this time?你好,约翰,这次是哪里不舒服JohnHello doctorI have a temperature,a headache and running noses你好大夫,我发烧,头痛,流鼻涕DoctorLet me seeYou pro。

15、病人多谢了 Patient Thanks a lot护士不客气 Nurse You’re welcome病人早上好,大夫 Patient Good morning, doctor医生早上好,哪里不舒服? Doctor good morning What seems to be the trouble?病人。



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