

1、遵守规则的英文单词例句如果你加入俱乐部,你就要遵守规则If you join the club, you should abide by the rules这个工人因为严格遵守规则而受到遵守规则用英语怎么说了表扬遵守规则的英文单词 The worker was praised for his observance。

2、遵守规定英语介绍如下obey the rules英#601#712be#618 #240#601 ru#720lz 美#601#712be#618 #240#601 ru#720lz遵守规则Other road users, including horse。

3、同学,很高兴回答你的问题遵守规则obey the rules解析遵守规则应该是有很多规则,所以rule要变成复数,即rules如obey the school rules 遵守校规obey the traffic rules 遵守交规obey family rules 遵守家规^^^。

4、为您解答follow the rulesfollow是遵守的意思,rule是规则的意思望采纳~不懂再问~希望帮到你~祝好运~。

5、follow the rulesfollow是遵守的意思,rule是规则的意思不懂再问~祝好运~,2,obey the rules follow the rules keep the rules toe the mark,2,fllow the rules pliance with the rules,1。


6、另外,如果遵守规则用英语怎么说我们想表达“不遵守规则”的意思,可以使用动词“violate”,表示“违反”例如“If you violate the traffic rules, you will be fined”如果你违反交通规则,你将会被罚款总之,在英语中表达遵守规则。

7、您好呀摘要遵守交通规则的英语是什么提问您好呀回答observe traffic regulations回答遵守交通规则用英语这样说哦回答希望我的回答可以帮助到您,祝您生活愉快请辛苦动下手指头点一下赞哦谢谢您,后为您解答follow the rules。

8、父母们制定规则来帮助我们,因此我们必须遵守规则 翻译为The parents make the rules to help us, so we must obey the rules 望满意。

9、rule 英音rul美音rul 名词 n1 规则,规定,章程,条例CIt#39s against the rules of the school to smoke吸烟是违反校规的2 习惯,通例,常规CHe#39s made it a rule to rise early他已养。

10、动词observe有观察的意思,更被广泛用在遵纪守法的固定搭配里面 observe the customs 遵守风俗 observe the discipline 遵守纪律 observe sb#39s instructions 听从某人的指示 observe the laws 遵守法律 observe the rules。

11、遵守交通规则的英语为obey the traffic rules,读音为#601#712be#618 #240#601 #240i #240i#720 #712tr#230f#618k ru#720lz重点词汇解释1traffic n。

12、遵守是依照规定行动而不违背的意思那么你知道遵守用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧遵守英语说法1comply with 遵守英语说法2obey 遵守英语说法3observe 遵守的英语例句最高限速必须严格遵守The speed limit must。

13、It#39s best to obey the rules满意请及时采纳,谢 我是加拿大人,前英语老师。

14、I think it#39s best to follow the rules核心短语词汇be better to do 最好做某事follow the rule 遵守规则解析be better to do 最好做某事follow the rule 遵守规则题干给出be动词是is,故连起来答案。

15、遵守交通规则 Traffic rules must be obeyedObey the traffic rules 法律规定,必须遵守交通规则 The law sets it down that traffic rules must be obeyed。

16、问题一我们必须遵守交通规则 怎么用英语表达赐教 We must obey the traffic rules 问题二“遵守交通规则”英语怎么说 遵守交通规则 Traffic rules must be obeyedObey the traffic rules 法律规定,必须遵守交通规则。



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