

1、寻物启事英语作文 篇1 Experiment elementary school six 4 class graduation party suddenly and mysteriously disappeared用英语写寻物启事, if you have found, please immediately return to six class 4 the hearts of the。

2、寻物启事英文范文2 i lost my wallet on my way to school this morning there is some money, a monthly ticket and something else in it i wish the finder would return it to me soon will the finder。

3、寻物启事英语作文 篇1 Experiment elementary school six 4 class graduation party suddenly and mysteriously disappeared, if you have found, please immediately return to six class 4 the hearts of the students。

4、“寻物启事”的英文Lost and Found Found 读法 英 fa#650nd 美 fa#650nd1vt 创立,建立创办 2v 找到find的过去分词短语1file not found 文件未找到 2be found guilty 被认定有。

5、寻物启事的英语作文 篇1 I lost a very beautiful things I cannot leave it, I also love it very much But it was I lost it Finally saw it was nine years old that year It is flying a kite with me, the ki。

6、寻物启事怎么写英语Lost寻物启事应该在内容中正确说明丢失物品的特征以及丢失时间和地点,还有物主的联系方式为大家示例几篇范文可以按照这个格式来写my blue school bag,in which has some books and different kinds。

7、Lost寻物启事英语为您收集 At 930 am this Saturday, Mr Perkin carelessly lost his suitcase when he went to Jin Ancestral Temple from Yingze Street by busThe suitcase is square, orange color and made。

8、寻物启事的英语作文写法示例如下A Suitcase Lost At 930 am this Saturday, Mr Perkin carelessly lost his suitcase when he went to Jin Ancestral Temple from Yingze Street by busThe suitcase is square。

9、Lost And Found 失物招领 I picked up a new red backpack on the playground in the morning of yesterday after our baseball gameThere are an English book,a mathmatic book,and a physics textbook in the backpac。


10、3 用英语写寻物启事的格式 Lost I lost a yellow handbag in the school libraty yesterdayThere are the keys to my bedroom and my bike,my student ID card,pens and some money in the *** all。

11、NOTICE FOR LOST 给个样品用英语写寻物启事你看看,见图片。

12、写作思路详细描述清楚丢失事物的状况,写出自己的联系方式I lost my notebook in the library this afternoon Its cover is blue and white I wrote my name on the first paper There are about two hundred。

13、___寻物启事 昨天我在图书馆丢了一个黄色的手袋,里面有我的宿舍和自行车钥匙,学生证,笔,还有一些钱这些东西对于我很重要无论谁捡到了,希望能够尽快还给我我将十分感激!我叫萧红,三年级二班的学生可以直接到班里找。

14、Li Ming Lost his backpage in the playground on Tuesday There are several books and a pencil box in his blue bag Anyone who got the bag, please call 01065002883 Thanks。

15、I lost my wallet on my way to school this morning There is some money, a monthly ticket and something else in it I wish the finder would return it to me soon Will the finder please come toNo 11。

16、楼上的朋友,钱包里的东西不是只有一样,而是有几样,要用复数there are下面if接的是条件状语从句,不是虚拟语气虚拟语气表示永远不可能发生的事,如if I could fly,“如果我会飞”,如果这里用了虚拟语气就表示钱包。



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