

1、十年后的十年后的我英语作文我英语作文一 Now十年后的我英语作文, I am sixth grade student After ten years later十年后的我英语作文, I will be a college graduate and apply for the first job in my life I think I will be a teacher, because it’s my drea。

2、I in the future life will not need the money, because the thing could be free, I good anticipated that I the future life, I will wait not to be anxious!10年后的我英语作文八年级2 Now I am in a。

3、十年后的我 Me, in Ten Years Later When we have nothing to do and are in a daze, many of us would have thought about how we would be in ten years Looking the rain outside the window, I couldn t。

4、1Me, in Ten Years Later When we have nothing to do and are in a daze, many of us would have thought about how we would be in ten years Looking the rain outside the window, I couldn’t help。

5、This is after ten years of me How about you?意思是 十年之后的我 我叫约翰,十年之后的我变化很大,我现在已经25岁了,我有一个美好的家庭,我的妻子,孩子和我可亲的父母,我的家庭很和睦我现在是一位高中老师,我。

6、In ten years,I think I#39ll be a reporterI#39ll live in Shanghai,because I went to Shanghai last year and fell in love with itI think it#39s really a beautiful cityAs a reporter,I think I will。

7、and one day I might even visit Australia十年后,我想我会是一个记者我将住在上海,因为去年我去了上海并爱上了它我认为这是一个非常美丽的城市当记者,我想我要满足很多有趣的人我想我要住在公寓和我最好的朋友,因为。

8、Thought of here, I could not help quotgigglequot and smiled Looked at the flying over the eyes of a dove, I was lost in thoughtTen years later, I might be a brave pilot Driving the plane, flying。


9、十年后我将成为一名优秀的老师因为我一直在英语上很努力,我会成为一名英语老师我会很和蔼的对待我的学生,我希望我能成为他们的朋友周一到周五,我会忙于工作,周末的时候我会和朋友们一起出去 有时候,我会请我。



12、篇一十年后的我 Me, in Ten Years Later #160#160 When we have nothing to do and are in a daze, many of us would have thought about how we would be in ten years Looking the rain outside。

13、看着窗外的雨,我禁不住想象我十年后的情况十年后,我不再需要穿校服了,取而代之的是许多漂亮的性感的衣服我会成为一名有名的服装设计师到处环游世界,举行大量的时装秀肯定很精彩多么的美好啊!Now, I am。

14、l#39ll keep healthyl will very happy with my feiend!十年后,我希望我可以是一名护士,作为一名护士,我将很好的帮助医生我将生活在北京,我认为北京是一个非常好的城市在中国我最爱北京人,因为他们非常友好我。

15、十年前,现在,十年后 十年前,我是一个轻狂的人,我是班级里的美术尖子生得过奖学金,学校三次的美术展览在上海的著名美术馆都陈列了我的作品我一个人,朋友也不多,因为不可一视的样子,看上去总显得有些傲慢。

16、In ten years,I think I‘ll be a reporterI‘ll live in Shanghai,because I went to Shanghai last year and fell in love with itI think it‘s really a beautiful cityAs a reporter,I think I will。

17、十年后的我 Years later I 十年后我是一名人名教师Years later I was a celebrity teacher早上,我的机器助理White把我叫醒,于是,我快速的吃了几口三明治就上了我的私家车小型飞船Morning, my machine assistant。



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