

Everyday I get up at 7 o#39clock I go to school at 8 o#39clock I have lunch from 12 to 1In the evening我的一天英语作文5句,I usually watch TVAnd I go to bed at 9 o#39clock我的一天英语作文5句;我我的一天英语作文5句的一天,1我每天早上六点起床2然后我换了我的衣服,刷牙和洗脸3我喝一杯牛奶,吃四片面包为我的早餐4我每天七点走路去上学5我和同学们在校园每天早上九点三十分做早操6我跟我的同学每天下午六点三十分。

我的一天英语作文Last Sunday,I had a great timeI went to the countryside with my familyI had never seen such blue sky The air is fresh and there are lots of beautiful flowersWe had a picnic;英语作文是英语考试中的重要组成部分,下面总结了几篇以我的一天为题目的英语作文,仅供参考精品英语作文赏析 My Day I had a good dayIn the morning,I went to the park with my friends to fly kitesAnd the。

1 以我快乐的一天为题写一篇英文作文 a happy day Today, I got up very early, I had a very good breakfast, then I went out to play with my friend, We had a very good time In the afternoon, I;My Day Today is sunny I get up early and read some English Then I have breakfast and go to schoolIn the morning we have four lessons, they’re two Enlish lessons, one Chinese lesson and one。

篇一小学英语作文我的一天 This is my day I#39m very busy but very happyI got up at 645 I had breakfast at 710 with my parents I said quotGood morning我的一天英语作文5句!quot to my parents My parents smiled。



1、第一节课是英语课,由我来领读 上午有四节课,下午有三节课上完课后,我们参加了课外活动我是最后一个离开学校回家的学生今天真的是疲惫但是快乐的一天啊5 写一篇在学校的一天的英语作文50字 My School。

2、英语作文我的一天带翻译篇一我的一天 My DayToday is Monday I got up at 630 Then I washed my face and ate breakfast Milk , bread, egg and porridge are my favorites My mother always gets。

3、我的一天过得还是比较充实,让我明白了一个道理我们一定要努力学习,确定坚定的目标, 报效祖国! 6 小学英语小作文请以“My school day”为题写一篇短文,不少于5句话 我一天的学习生活My School Day I get up at six。


1、您好下面有5篇给你选择,要简单的话最后一篇最简单希望您满意My Day 英语作文 May first is a Sunday And it is the Labor’s Day My mother said to me “Open your eyesAnd look out of the window。

2、正文Today is Friday It is my thirteenth birthday翻译今天是星期五今天是我十三岁生日I got up very early in the morning and put on my new clothes happily翻译我早上起很早,高兴地穿上新衣服My。

3、1 我的一天英语作文40字左右 I usually get up at six am everyday I then have my breakfast at half past six After that, i get all my things packed and go to school I arrive at school。

4、我的一天 今天是星期一我起床6 00然后我洗脸刷牙然后吃早餐我吃面包和牛奶然后在七点半上学在学校,我学习英语语文和数学我们还做早操在十一点半,我回家我在家吃午饭然后我回学校我们上了体育。


6、我的一天英语作文篇一 Now, the new term begins I live the life normal as before Every morning, I get up at 630 After washing, I eat breakfast at homeMy mother always cooks delicious and nutritious。



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