

问题一来我家用英语怎么说我的家用英语怎么说? e to my house 问题二我我的家用英语怎么说的家用英语怎么说 my home问题三我的家人们用英语怎么说 my families my family members 有问题请追问我的家用英语怎么说,满意望采纳哟问题四我们的家 用英语怎么说。

my family 指我的家庭my house 指我的家房子话说有个富翁有所大房子house我的家用英语怎么说,但是他一点都不开心,人家问为什么他指着那栋漂亮的房子说,那不是我的家family,只是我的房子house希望可以帮到你。

my house 侧重是房子,无感情色彩 my home 带有感情色彩,带有家庭的温馨等情绪 my family 可以指我的整个家庭,也可以指我的家人。

介绍我的家的英文翻译是Introducing my home 重点词汇home 词语分析音标英 h#601#650m 美 ho#650mn 家,住宅家乡产地避难所 adv 在家,回家深入地 adj 国内的,家庭的有效的。

这是我的家用英语翻译This is my home双语例句1你发疯了这是我的家Are you totally gone? This is my private home2不,不,不,这是我的家NO! NO! NO! It#39s my house3我有一个快乐家庭。

译文我有一个美丽的家它很大我家有两间卧室一个客厅书房卫生间厨房我的父亲看电视在客厅母亲在厨房做饭,我们在书房看书我喜欢我的家,这就是我的家你的家呢?四年级英语作文my home2 Ihave a。

介绍我的家如果是作为标题的话那么这个介绍应该使用名词也就是关于我家的一个介绍,the introduction to my family如果是一个动词短语那就是介绍我的家,introduce my family动宾短语。

My home My home is a big houseMy family live in itThere are seven rooms in it,four bedrooms ,one kitchen ,one washroom and one living room My mother and father live in the biggest one,my sister。

两种说法my family, all the members in my familyThis is my familyIt is warmI like it very much我的家 我家有四口人他们分别是我的爸爸,妈妈,弟弟和我我妈妈很漂亮,她是个工程师她对我很好我爸爸是个工人。

We buy something we need then we have supper in the restarount餐厅的英语忘了 可能有点错误你凑合吧XD 8 请以quot我的家庭quot为题写一篇英语作文100字左右,我家有四口人,父 My familyEveryone has a familyWe live。

I have a warm family 我有一个温暖的家 My family has father and mother and I 我的家有爸爸妈妈和我 My parents love me very much and I love them too我的父母很爱我,同时我也很爱他们 The sunlight。


英语作文我的家带翻译四年级1 There are three people in my family, my mother, my father, and me Our family! Everyone has a special talent Do you want to know what my family is good at? Oh! Do。

另一个我熟悉的地方就是我家的小花园花园里有翠绿的小草,争芬斗艳的鲜花 我还时常在花园里玩耍我爱我家,爱家里的每一个成员,更爱我家的每一个故事 2 小学四年级英语作文大全作文题目我的家 I have a friendly。

My home is in Jining, it is a beautiful place, the first to introduce my family, mom and dad and my younger brother, we constitute a happy and warm family My father is very strict, with my。

I have a very happy familyThere are four people in my familymy parents ,my younger brother and IMy fathther is working in another city,so he is always very busyAs a famous saying goes quot There。



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