

在树下 英文under the tree We sheltered under a tree until the shower passed我们在树下躲雨在树下用英语怎么说,直到雨过天晴We took a short rest under the tree我们在树下小憩;当树长大后我们可以坐在树下看书翻译成英语是When the tree grows up在树下用英语怎么说, we can sit under it and read注完全没有问题在树下用英语怎么说,希望帮助到您请及时点击采纳。


在树下 under the tree 在树下的短语为under the tree,属于固定搭配在英语中,表示“在下面”通常用under+名词来表示under读音为英 #39#652nd#601 美 #39#652nd#602 “在树下”中的;我不明白你要说什么你是指的跟异性朋友幽会吧,如果是这样的话眼神最重要,其次才是语言你“暗送秋波”“眼神迷离”,然后再加上抒情的语言,相信会收到意想不到的效果比如it#39s a beautiful night,isn#39t。


1、Look,a little dog is lying under the tree。

2、夏天,它的轻松,在树下,在于悠闲自得用英语 In summer, its lightness lies in its leisure under the trees。

3、一些老人在树下下棋,一些在河边散步英文Some old people are playing chess under trees, some are walking by the river注完全没有问题,希望帮助到您请及时点击采纳。



小猫在树下 The cat under the tree 很高兴为您解答,不理解请追问,满意请点右上角选为满意答案,谢谢。

英文原文A child, a woman and a man are sharing the atmosphere of Spring英式音标#601 e#618 t#643a#618ld , #601 e#618 #712w#650m#601n #601nd。

Look! That boy is doing something under the tree 强调有个男孩在树下干什么事陈述句 Look! What#39s the boy doing under the tree?提问男孩做的事情,疑问句 你的问题没说清,不清楚是上面哪种情况自己判断一。

How is speaking in english?the boy standing under the tree。



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