

优秀学生三等奖学金Outstanding students had a scholarship 凡成大事者不怀有旷古烁今之才三等奖学金英文,但必有坚韧不拔之志 All great men have not only the performance of most tenacious, but there 希望三等奖学金英文我的回答会帮三等奖学金英文;获得学校三等奖学金 Awarded third scholarship in the school 在校期间获得过“优秀学生”“优秀团员”等荣誉称号 During the period of school won the quotexcellent studentquot, quotexcellent memberquot honorary title。

I was rewarded a number of the firstprize and the thirdprize scholarship when I studied in universityI was rewarded a number of scholarship when I studied in university, including the firstprize;四三等奖third prize 短语Won the third prize 获三等奖 获得三等奖 例句But out of his expectation, he even failed to get the third prize结果没想到,连个三等奖也没有五二等奖学金minor。

美英各国的奖学金,也许是为了避免第二三名的不良感觉,常常会避开提名,所以一般奖学金,第一和第二三名,各有其名三等奖学金英文你得到的钱少一些,但奖学金名字不一样,也算是一个奖从我们中国人自己译的英语看,有如下多种;“国家奖学金三等奖”National scholarship third prize。


1、校级三等奖学金的英文Thirdclass Scholarship at School Level Scholarship 读法 英#39sk#594l#601#643#618p美#39skɑl#602#643#618pn 奖学金学识,学问 短语1apply for a。

2、三等奖学金 thirdclass award,Thirdclass scholarship 期间获得两次三等奖学金,通过大学英语四级Obtain the thirdclass scholarship two times during this time, pass four grades of university English。

3、In college, I won the thirdgrade scholarship for two consecutive times and was awarded such titles as quotMerit Studentquot and quotExcellent League Memberquot。

4、用respectively是可以的,表示分别,还可以说成A scholarship holdertwice on the 1st, the 3rd and the single course, respectively。

5、优秀班干部Outstanding group of cadres一等奖学金 firstclass scholarship,major award 二等奖学金 minor award ,Secondclass scholarship ,second prize scholarship 三等奖学金 thirdclass scholarship。

6、校级三等奖学金的英文Thirdclass Scholarship at School Level Scholarship 读法 英 #39sk#594l#601#643#618p 美 #39skɑl#602#643#618pn 奖学金学识,学问 短语1apply for a。


3等奖学金 Thirdclass scholarship 例句大三的时候我荣获了三等奖学金,被评为“院级三好学生”I also won the thirdclass scholarship, and was awarded the quottriplea studentquot honor this year。


中式the thirdprize scholarship in university 美式html?fr=qrl3。

一等奖学金的英文说法为major award,三等奖学金说法为third award正确记忆单词,才可以正确运用单词,让书写更加的顺畅,而达到精准地道的效果记单词的方法技巧如下1 阅读记忆法 也就是把词汇的记忆融入阅读之中。

我是应届毕业生,就读于XXXXX在校期间,因成绩优异,获得学院三等奖学金I#39m a fresh graduates, enrolled in XXXXX During school, because of excellent results, obtained college thirdclass scholarship在大一时。

回答和翻译如下获得一等奖学金,三等奖学金和单项奖学Get first class scholarship, three class scholarship and individual prize scholarship。

“获得三等奖”英语怎么说谢谢 Third Prize Award 我获过三等奖,我的证书上这样写的May it help三等奖学金英文!1研究生二等奖学金 2海辉杯科技论文三等奖 这两句用英文怎么翻译呀研究生二等奖学金 Graduate students。



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