

1、1home alone Tonight独自在家英语作文,my father and mother went out and I was at home aloneAt first独自在家英语作文, I was excited and frightened,because this was the first time I was at home aloneI turned on all the lightsThen I。

2、篇1 One day in my summer holiday ,I had my scariest night in my whole life It was a weekend,my parents will go out to have dinner with their friends,they said they will be back before 1000 pm,t。

3、以下是一篇关于独自在家的英语作文,附有中文翻译供参考Home Alone Being home alone can be both exciting and scary On one hand, I have the whole house to myself, and I can do whatever I want without any。

4、mother has not come back The toy played has sufficed, I turned on the television to look In television#39s program has been too splendid, I looked looking at steadily, when does mother open the door wen。

5、英语满分作文 独自在家 When mother is away on businessI was alone at home,one person can finish the homework firstCareful examination of the paintingThen,at home to practice calligraphyRead a bookPlaying。

6、This morning, Mom and Dad went to work as normal, then today I must be at home alone After they left, I washed all dishes and cleaned all three rooms Mom would be very happy when she looks at the。

7、with friend on the internet Now, I don#39t feel boring any more我独自在家我的父母为生意上的事出去,所以只有我在家我看电视,但我觉得无聊,然后玩电脑游戏,在网上与朋友聊天现在,我不再觉得无聊。

8、Last Sunday,my parents went to my hometown to visit my grandfather and grandmother,so I must stay at home by myselfI like freedomSo at first,I was very excitingBecause no one can control my actions。

9、Staying at Home Alone独自在家 2003年11月16日 星期四 晴thuesday nov 16, 2003 fine i took my school report and came back home cautiously only to find mother wasn#39t at homeshe went to my aunt#39s and。

10、写作思路把自己在家里的真情实感写出来即可作文如下Last Sunday, my parents went to my hometown to visit my grandfather and grandmother,so I must stay at home by myselfI like freedomSo at first,I。



12、I couldn#39t take care of myself at home alone 人为什么会做梦有关的专家做好许多关于做梦的实验还做了很多阻断人们做梦的实验,比如当人们做梦时阻断独自在家英语作文他们的脑电波时,做梦者就会被立刻唤醒实验结果发现,梦的剥夺。

13、One day in my summer holiday ,I had my scariest night in my whole life It was a weekend,my parents will go out to have dinner with their friends,they said they will be back before 1000 pm,they。

14、next week , my parents will have a business trip to Beijing Although i have to stay at home by myself , but i think this is a good chance to prove to Mom and Dad i already can handle my daily。

15、#英语资源# 导语英语是世界上最流行的语言,也是所有语言中使用最广泛的语言,学好英语有利于我们对外交流以下“小学英语作文我能照顾自己 I Can Take Care of Myself”由 篇一我能照顾自己 I Can。

16、There are some big laughs in quotHome Alone,quot once it finally gets down to the reason for its existence a lengthy, very funny slapstick sequence with a young boy setting all kinds of elaborate booby traps。



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