

I didn#39t know what should I doSuddenlylost英语作文,I saw a farmer who took a hoe on his shoulderlost英语作文,I told him,quotI lost my wayquot The famer gave me a direction how to get out of the strange placeWhen I got;写一篇寻物启示的文章吗首先弄清格式 1标题 2内容,包括丢失的物品,对丢失物品的描述,以及对拾到者表示感谢或其lost英语作文他酬谢方式,还有就是你的联系方式以下是lost英语作文我自己写的范文,关于丢失红双喜牌子的乒乓拍,供你参考下 LOST;I lost my notebook in the library this afternoon Its cover is blue and white今天下午,我在图书馆弄丢了我的笔记本,封面时蓝白色的I wrote my name on the first paper第一页上写了我的名字There are;Sometimes I feel like I#39m lostThe world is too big,the rain is too heavy,and the sky is too darkEverytime I fail my test,and everytime I argue with my parents,these are all I feelOnce I went。


1 Lost and Found I lost my wallet on the bus yesterday It contains my ID card, credit card and some cash If anyone found it, please contact me as soon as possible Thank you!我昨天在公交车上丢了;Sometimes I feel like I#39m lost The world is too big, the rain is too heavy, and the sky is too dark Everytime I fail my test, and everytime I argue with my parents, these are all I feel;英文翻译如下My name is Mary I lost a red pencilbox in the school library There is a blue pen in it My Email is 5@ com I must find it重点词汇解释1lost adj 迷路的,迷失的;who had picked up my lost bag near a busstop and she had found my phone number in the bag中年男子走到台上说“两天前我在上班的路上丢了皮包,我正在想该到哪儿去找,有人打电话来是一个女孩,她在。

作文一At 930 am this Saturday, Mr Perkin carelessly lost his suitcase when he went to Jin Ancestral Temple from Yingze Street by busThe suitcase is square, orange color and made of leather On;LostMy schollalgMy shoollalg is blue There is an English book, a blackwatch,a red hat and two white notebooks in it My name is LiPing I#39m from Class 5 , Grade 7 Please call me at 027;the owener of the wallet was waiting outside the school gate , she was very happy and shesaid thank you to me 曾经丢失的最心爱的物品英语作文2 LOST Item a pingpong bat Double Happiness Lost Loca;回答心急如焚,哎;1 英语作文失物招领 Lost I lost my schoolbag on the playground on the afternoon of the 8th this month Inside the schoolbag there are my bicycle keys, books and a dictionary Whoever happened to pick。

I am a careless personI went out playing with my classmates the day before yesterday, and took off my coat bacause it was hot But when I got home, I found that my coat was lostIt is a black;Some people say, life is constantly with the search process,don‘t have, you will try to find lost possession, you will goto pursue sometimes, desperately looking for, but you lost the original has。



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