

Oh shit 噢,糟糕Holyshit 天哪Oh no 噢,不Oh my god 我抱怨用英语怎么说的天Bullshit 胡说Damnit 该死That#39s not good那真抱怨用英语怎么说的不好It#39s too bad 太;这样不对应该用complain to sb about sth以下供参考complain vi1 抱怨,发牢骚诉说病痛等+toaboutofI#39ve really got nothing to complain of我确实没有什么可抱怨抱怨用英语怎么说的He complained to me about。

选C always这个副词比较特殊,它包含说话者“抱怨,发牢骚的”语气,并且语法中规定always表示抱怨情感时,时态是进行时态所以只能在C和D两个选项中选择另外,从Look,what a mess in the room抱怨用英语怎么说! 看出是现在进行时所以;complain 抱怨,诉苦 blame 埋怨,责怪 1 He always likes to blame others2 He complains to his friends that he is low paid3 The girl blames her mother for not waking her up4 You shou。

抱怨投诉 网络 complaints例句对于任何抱怨投诉,你应该只写邮件给特殊的人,部门或者你可以反馈给你的直接主管关于你的问题For any complains, you should only write to the particular person, section or you;与其抱怨,不如改变 Rather than complain, change。

你好The students是学生们的意思,complain that they是抱怨他们的意思,are是总是的意思,under是处在的意思,too much pressure是太大的压力之下的意思连起来为The students complain that they are under too much。


问题一向某人抱怨某事英语短语怎么说 您好,这个短语是plain to someone about something,也可以是plain to someone of something,两个都是可以的例如He plained to me about the food他向我抱怨伙食不佳满意。

您好,这个短语是complain to someone about something,也可以是complain to someone of something,两个都是可以的例如He complained to me about the food他向我抱怨伙食不佳满意就采纳吧。

much homework to do”都是可以的,但是也是可以不用的至于always doing这是个习惯用法,表示 总是 做什么 但是不是好的事情至于这里的抱怨家庭作业很多,所以要用 ing 形式希望我的回答可以帮助你。

complain 英k#601m#712ple#618n 美k#601m#712plenvi 抱怨,诉苦 申诉,控诉,抗议vt 诉说,申诉,控告后面常跟从句例句Miners have complained bitterly that the governmen。

抱怨 ,指心中怀有不满,责怪别人那么你知道抱怨用英语怎么说吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下吧抱怨的英语说法1complain 抱怨的英语说法2grumble 抱怨相关英语表达大声抱怨 cry out 抱怨某事 complain about sth 应付。


1、您好,很高兴为您解答complain about doing sth抱怨做某事 complain sb about doing sth抱怨某人做某事 complain to sb about sth向某人抱怨某事 我抱怨他偷吃了我的点心 I complain him about stealing my desserts我向。

2、展开全部 抱怨做某事 Complain about doing something 说明complain k#601m#712ple#618n ~to sbaboutof sthto say that you are annoyed,unhappy or not satisfied about sbsth 抱怨埋怨发。

3、To Change is better than to complainchange,complain为动词或者 Change is better than the complaint change,complaint 为名词。


4、a i#39m so upset nowbwhy? Anything bad happened?ano,it#39s justcollege life is not like what i#39ve pitcured i con#39t get used to it it was so much better in highschool besides, i#39。

5、quot他很糟糕quot怎么说quot考试题目很烂quot怎么形容这些都是我们生活中常说的一些抱怨的话,你都知道它们的英语表达吗赶快来看一看吧1 I am terrible I am horrible 我很糟糕这句话并不是说quot我很可怕或恐怖quot。



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