

“更重要的是”英文疑问句what is more important陈述句More important is例句1What is more important to you the money or the work?对更重要的是英语你而言,工资和工作哪个更重要2More important is, I#39m。

更重要的是 what#39s more even more important more importantly above all 例更重要的是,看看窗外一切都是那么正常What#39smore, looking outthe window, all appeared normal但更重要的是,更重要的是英语他们仍未能采取行动But above。


More important 对More importantly 错第一句语法比较正确,但很多英语为第一语言的人有用第 2 句的 “坏习惯”例The food was going fast More important, we were beginning to run out of drinking。

even more important 更重要的是 例句 1quality is even more important than quantity质量比数量更为重要2This becomes even more important now that we#39re dealing with verbs此时我们正在处理动词,这就变得相当。

heavy 和#8943#8943一样重用英语怎么说 as heavy as the same weight as “更重要”的英语翻译 10分 都被你罗列更重要的是英语了问题是最常用的也就是more important其更重要的是英语他不常用也很生硬我认为in my oppinion。

What is more important, #39。

这种表达有很多1be worth more than例如普通的见识比学问更重要Common sense is worth more than learning2be matterd more than例如每次那么做的时候,我在教导人们他们的观点比我的更重要Every ti。

more importantly 副词作状语,放于句首,用逗号隔开。

问题一“更重要的是”用英语怎么说,谢谢 更重要的是 骸hat#39s more even more important more importantly above all 例更重要的是,看看窗外一切都是那么正常What#39 *** ore, looking outthe window, all。

听比说更重要英语作文 更重要的用英语怎么读 更重要more important例句1可以这么说,在沟通中,听比说更重要 It is probably even more important than talking 2有时听比说更重要 Sometimes, listening is more important。

More importantly, no air pollution due to walking。

The more important is that, it#39s the tests for which we study English。

英语写作 中,用 英语 短语 来表达表达最重要的是,应该怎么说?下面是我给大家带来最重要的是英语词组,供大家参阅!最重要的是英语短语篇1above all2most important of all 3The most important thing。

重要的英语怎么说important如下英文是important,英#618m#712p#596#720tnt美#618m#712p#596#720rtnt释义adj重要的,重大的有地位的有权力的比较级more important最高。

More importantly, I possess a strong learning ability and pursue selfdevelopment。


对什么很重要用英语翻译过来是important for sb to do sthimportant的英式读法是#618m#39p#596#720tnt美式读法是#618m#39p#596#720rtnt单词于1444年进入英语,直接源自中古法语的important最。

What‘s most important is that there is endless grassland here。



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