

1、篇一机器人英语作文 我很爱发明,我想发明的机器人有两只象雷达的大眼睛,两只大大的嘴和中间的大肚皮 这种机器人叫事故发生机器人,分路段放置,如果有车追尾或发生交通事故,如果是较轻的事故,比如,车子被剐掉漆或爆胎,它会给轮胎关于机器人的英语作文;Right关于机器人的英语作文!I almost forgot,robots have a function,if you are in the process of doing homework,encountered any problems,the robot can also replace teachers explain to you oh!译文机器人将来能为我们做什么关于机器人的英语作文?在22世纪;the robot very useful to us这里是一个机器人与人类友好相处的世界我有一个机器人,它的名字叫妮可,虽然它是个机器,但是它长得很可爱,而且能为我做很多事例如打扫房间,洗衣做饭,在我疲倦的时候还能为我捶肩膀。


2、“我的机器人”英语作文分享I?have?a?robot,?my?father?bought?me?from?the?United?States?It#39s?called?Dr?IQ?,?it?is?an?intelligent?robot?and?about?1?meter?high?It?has?a?round?head,?the?body?is;Have you ever thought about the life with robots in the next 50 or 100 years?We can imagine that all the housework, including washing dishes and cleaning the windows and many kinds of things like this;the world goes really fastin the future,people will live in a better and more convenient lifefor example,there must be a lot of rebort to help people work or even with your houseworkso that,you can;由于不知道你上几年级,所以就帮你精心挑选了三篇不同阶段的佳作,希望能够帮到你一 高中水平字数有点偏多,你可以节选Do you think you will have your own robot ?In some science fiction movies,people in;如何去上学你更不必担心,你只要背上书包,机器人就可以立即把你带到学校放学后,如果你先看电视的话,机器人就会亮起红灯,警告你要先把作业完成在看电视,如果你想回顾一下今天老师讲的内容,在机器人的胸前就会出现一;MY robot英语作文My robot should have a pulley under the soles of its feet, the ability to stick things on its hands, and be able to put things safely in all designated placesIf my robot breaks or;uture Robot In 2088, there are many robots in the world Every family has more than one robot Everyone can make different robot, it’s popular in the world2088年,世界上将会有很多的机器人,每个家庭至少;英语作文,未来的机器人像什么动物,它们将能做什么!70词左右 obots will like dogsThey#39ll can help people to do some dangerous and dirty jobsThey will can also help us to look after our homesIn some times,they can。

3、As the development of the science and technology, more and more people begin to use robot in life to serve for themUsing robots will bring you much convenience They can do housework for you,such as wash;The robot in the future 意思是未来的机器人 以下是三篇以The robot in the future为题的英语作文,希望对大家有所帮助 机器人 第一篇英语作文 以下这篇英语作文探讨了未来机器人技术的发展趋势和应用前景,提出了人工智能;robots may be everything except humans in the future你有没有想过在未来的50年或100年里有机器人的生活?我们可以想象,所有的`家务活,包括洗碗碟,擦窗户,以及这样的各种事情,都是容易和自动完成的只是因为我们有。

4、I Want a Robot我想拥有一个机器人In the movies,robots are common in people#39s daily livesAt that time,people do not need to do much thingsRobots make their lives become simpleTherefore,I hope I can ha;篇一英语作文关于机器人 Hi! Hi, I#39m a multifunctional robot Look! I have a pair of glasses That#39s a mirror! I am wearing a scarf can be spilled flash powder, so that I can work in the nigh。

5、But I can’t run and swimI always cook the breakfast for my masterMy master is SallyShe is a pretty girlShe plays hopscotch very wellI love my master very much未来机器人 I’ma未来机器人我的;With the development of science , more and more people are confused that whether it is good or bad to make robort Are roborts going to take place of human beingsEvery coin has two side Robort can be。



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