

双语对照,如果长可以删改,我想这个你应该能做吧,望采纳沫璃若 答第一次做饭 The first cooking 人生有许许多多的第一次,有喜有悲,每个第一次都是值得你珍惜我也有许许多多的第一次,就拿做饭来说把,我。


我要一篇关于quot如何做饭quot的英语作文 The Meal Cooked by MumMy mum is good at cooking She cooks for my family everyday It is noon now and mum is cooking at the kitchenAbout enty mimutes later,all the dishes are。

My family 我的家人英语作文 There are 5 members in my family, my father,mother,elder brother, elder sister and meMy brother and sister were married,my brother has a 4 years old daughterWe moved to。

第一次做饭英语作文一The first cooking Life have many for the first time, pregnant with sorrow, the first is worth you cherish I also have many for the first time, took it to cook, I put my。

有关做饭的英语作文一 Cooking is fun Why is cooking fun? Here are two reasonsFirst, it is a good way to show my love to my parents Both my parents are very busy So when I come back home early。



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