

1、假期旅游英语对话一 服务员 Good morning, may I help you?早上好!有什么可以为您效劳的?客人 Yes, my name is Rose Miller I’ve made a reservation with you我叫Rose Miller,在这儿订了个房间服务员 W。

2、篇一 Ann Get up! Get up!起床!起床!Lily You must have something important and wake me up at this moment, or I will kill you你必须有重要的事情来叫醒我,否则我会杀了你Ann Today the country is。

3、关于假期旅游英语对话1 DadCan you guys be quick to tell me your decision?快说吧,你们的建议是什么呢?MariaActually, Mom, Daniel and I want to go to Hawaii very much?事实上,我和丹尼尔都非常想去夏威夷。

4、以下是一段有关假期旅游的英语对话A Hey, have you made any plans for the upcoming holiday?B Not yet I#39m thinking about going on a trip How about you?A Same here Where are you thinking of。


5、AnnToday is not so hotLucky!LilyYes,I agreeAnnIt is growing coolLilyThe vacation is on the wayDo you have any plan?AnnNot yetAnd you?LilyGo back grandpa’s homeAnnThat is。

6、AnnToday is not so hotLucky!今天不那么热了,真好LilyYes,I agree是啊,我同意AnnIt is growing cool天气渐渐的凉爽起来LilyThe vacation is on the wayDo you have any plan?假期要到了,你有。

7、关于暑假生活英语对话1 How do you arrange this summer vacation?你怎么安排这个暑假呢?I want to travel我想去旅行Where would you like to go?你打算去哪儿?The seaside去海边That#39s really a good idea。

8、英文的三人对话关于假期活动的对话 M Hey ,John Would you like to play basketball with me ?J Oh,MarkI#39m sorryM打断说no ,please don#39t say no Don#39t you agree that basketball is a sport。

9、A The summer vacation is coming What are you going to do?B I am going to finish doing my homework as quickly as I can And I am going to do exercise every day because doing exercise is good for。

10、I am not sure what to do during the holidays, any suggestions?我不知道假期的时候要做什么,你有什么建议吗BWell, going to a cinema, visiting the galleries, exhibitions and museums, finding and meeting old。

11、Hi,Marylong time no seeHi,Bobwhat did you do go on vacation?i went to guiyang with my familywowdid you see huangguoshu waterfall?yes ,i didit was wonderful!did you do shopping?of course we。

12、Ann Jane,have you ridden the metro?简,你乘过地铁吗Jane Yes, I go to work by underground every day是 的,我每天乘地铁上班Ann In the internet,there are 9 mostbeautiful metros in global#160。

13、AHi,BWhere do you want to go on vacation?B I decide to go to CA It is good! How do you go there?B I will go there by plane?A Who do you go with?B I go there with my。

14、AThe summer vacation is comingWhat are you going to do?BI am going to finish doing my homework as quickly as I canAnd I am going to do exercise every day because doing exercise is good for our。

15、Hello, is this the home of Jenny?Yes, speaking喂,是詹妮的家吗是的,请讲3 This is Helen speaking Is Jenny at home?4She has left already 我是海伦,詹妮在家吗?她已经离开了5 Can you tell me。

16、嘿,吉姆A hey, Jim!耶,本 Yeah, Ben 你的假期过得怎么样How was your holiday?非常好,我去了中国有着古老文明的云南丽江,那里非常壮观,我很喜欢,你呢Very well, I went to China#39s ancient。



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