

there is a new desk lamp The ark of the head of a square A small and exquisite of learning An air conditioning, and a big closet and a bookcase A simple toilet我理想的房间 我。

My Dream House I have a dream of having a house of my own It would be a large house with a big garden There would be a swimming pool, a playground, and a separate building for a guest。

My ideal room should be like thisFor one thing,the room must be big and the ceiling must be high for another,a good air conditioner must be setBesides I would like to paint this room with the。


I hope I have a servant to clean my bedroom,I don#39t like cleaning In conclusion,my ideal bedroom is a perfect bedroom 在我心里,有一个我理想的房间,它不是非常大,但装饰得很精致,它最好偏冷。

heartsized bed at the heart of this room On the bed, and around the bed, various dolls I would put In addition, a piano, with the colour of wood, I would place on the right side Further more。

My Room Open the door,oh,the room is very beautiful!Whose room is this?It’s my roomThe bed is near the windowa quilt and a doll is on the bedWhat color is my bed?It’s my favourite color。

there are many small boutique on top, as well as TV and my violin is also placed on that cabinet tableThis is my room 在我的房间,你可以看到我的米色衣服,站在旁边的空调该中心的无休止站着一个粉红。

我有一个书架在房间里 I like reading book very much 我非常喜欢读书 Do you like reading book? 你喜欢读书吗? My bedroom is so niceI like it 我的卧室很好 我喜欢它 我理想的卧室 英语作文 要翻译 In my。

there are many small boutique on top, as well as TV and my violin is also placed on that cabinet tableThis is my room在我的房间里,你可以看到我的米色的衣柜,旁边站着一个空调永无止境的中央站着一个。

My family is located in spaceIt is not big,but there are three living rooms,one kitchen,one dining room and one balconyThe house is clean and tidyWhat#39s more,I have my own bedroom,and I l。

我理想的房子My ideal houseAlthough dream of many person have a house, our garden of house is too small in china I have bought a house last year, but I don’t fit up it My house is located in。

My Dreaming Room I have my own room, but it is different from my dreaming room My dreaming room is not too big or too small There is a big and soft bed in it Beside the bed there is a。

你好,同学,很高兴回答你的问题 正确答案如下my dream house house,it’s very important for us,because we must study,live ,and sleep in it my dream house is very different from the usual housei would。

My ideal room is great A beautiful picture on the wall My books and a pen on the desk top Many clothes neatly in the closet The room very clean and tidy, this is my idea of an ideal room。

of them are my favoriteSeeing the lovely dolls and wonderful booksI can have good dreams 中省略,因为太多了,再打下去我的手就要脱虚了。



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