

Dear Peter, I was received your letter and would like to anwser your question You were asked me how to learn Chinese well I will give my suggestions on four aspects Firstly, it is better for you to;作文如下Dear Paul,亲爱的保罗I am glad that you want to study Chinese, which is one of the most artistic languages in the world It is true that there are numerous Chinese training schools available on。

Dear Lucy Learning Chinese takes time If you want to improve it yous hould spend as much time as possible and it#39s also very important to have good ways of learning Chinese So, you#39d better read;汉语是用语言无法表达出来的词语,是世界上最美的语言,汉语,是我们的母语,是我们心中最美的语言无需色彩,随意挥洒就是书法,无需奏乐,平平仄仄就是韵律,从甲骨文到小篆到隶书到楷书到行书,一路走来,以包容一切的。

The Charm of Chinese Language汉语的魅力 Chinese Language faces some challenges As compared with English and other Latin based languages, Chinese is less popular and more difficuh for computer word processing;As a chienese,I#39m very pride myself on the popularity of Chinese learnig,more and more foreigners#39 learning chinese it reflcets our ecomomic development in a senseTake America as an example,From kindergarte。


1、With the development of economic globalization and the open and of China,Chinese is becoming more and more popular all over the world just as English did in the past yearsAs we all know that China has a。

2、No one can deny that Chinese is a great invention of the Chinese people没有谁能否认汉语是中国人伟大的发明Since the emergence of Chinese characters and their circulation in China, they have been transformed。

3、Chinese, I#39m proud of my country!That#39s all I want to say By the way, if you want to learn Chinese, I#39m glad to help you! Thank you very much for your listening!你也是抄卷子上的作文的吧。


4、关于如何学好汉语的英语作文篇1 Chinese is difficult to learnHowever,if we learn it in the flowing way,it will become easier for youFirstly,grasp the pronunciationpronunciation is the basic of Chinese,to pre。

5、Dear Mark,I know from your email that you are learning Chinese this semester and ask me for some advice Here are my suggestionsFirst, you should listen carefully to your teacher in class and practice。


学好汉语为题的英语作文双语范文如下There are four key points to study Chineselistening,speaking,reading and writing学习汉语有四个关键点听说读写Firstly, we should be brave to talk with others in。

以下是我帮你找的资料,放心我有细读过,认为写的很好!每一点的第一句是整段的中心句,也就是学好汉语的方法你可以从中选你喜欢已明白的放在你的作文里,!D 1Begin with a good audiobased courseThis can。


下面以介绍中国为主题,分享5篇英语作文,供大家参考哦 介绍中国英语作文 篇一 China, officially known as the People#39s Republic of China, a vast country located in Eastern Asia It is the world#39s most populous。



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