

“给蜕变英文我十年蜕变英文,我让你见证我的蜕变”蜕变英文,用英语怎么说这可以有多个表达法如下Give me ten years and I#39ll let you witness my transformation或是 I shall only ask for ten years蜕变英文, and you will witness my;是自然的蜕变的翻译 金山词霸 蜕变 metamorphosis spallation Outgrow 身物英语蜕变dispersion 生物化学disintegration 蜕变,衰变去整合,解整合分解 百度蜕变 tui bian 1a qualitative change 2to。

答我们认为微信名用蜕变的英文,应该是用a changed fellow guy hat 比较好吧因为其寓意相对比较深刻,令人难忘;蜕变的英文有以下单词1transform tr#230ns#712f#596m 动词,改变蜕变名词形式 transformation#716tr#230nsf#601#712me#618#643#601n, f#596r例句If you can。

蜕变 decay, transform, metamorphosis, spallation 化 desintegration, disintegration, permutation 医 decay, disintegrate, disintegration, transmutation;看蜕变英文了N遍老友记,我看到的英语里说一个人变了就用he changed或者he turns into another person。

be transformed into ,或changre into都可以。


1、A butterfly is produced by metamorphosis from a caterpillar蝴蝶是由毛虫蜕变而成的Unrestrained liberty often degenerates into anarchism没有约束的自由往往会蜕变为无政府主义不知你想用哪个,metamorphosis 是它原始。

2、metamorphosiss 复数 metamorphoses名词,指动物在胚胎阶段以后正常发育期内经历的形体变化,通常也包括习惯的变化pallation名词,指带有充足的高能量的外来粒子将许多粒子从原子核中排斥出的核反应的蜕变decay动词或。

3、Every transformation, are growing。

4、Let it goIndina Menzel 这个很切题,电影的主题就是成长与蜕变The ClimbMiley Cyrus FighterChristina Aguilera 歌词写的都很好,旋律也不错。


5、Essay Everyone would change and when they change, they would learn from it From young to mature, from failure to success, we experience changing all the time, and I also have gone through a change that。


“蜕变”的英文为spallation1读音英 sp#596#720#39le#618#643#601n美 sp#596#39le#643#601n2详细释义核 散裂分裂核 蜕变碎裂 3固定短语Perfect spallation。

The day was sunny, but I was in a bad mood At the oncoming party I Would have to do some cleaning, for I was considered unable to dance or sing I eould not but accept the task During the。

蜕变 decay, transform, metamorphosis, spallation。

earthshaking change 翻天覆地的变化 如果只要一个单词,那就用upheaval。

标签: 蜕变英文



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