

可以看出原材料的用made of原材料英语,不可以看出原材料的用made out of需要注意的是原材料英语,在实际生活的应用中其实没那么多讲究,你就一直用made of也是可以的但是在我们的中国考试中就得分得那么死,所以考试做选择题得注意原材料英语了;raw material 原材料 raw natural gas 未精制的天然气 raw oil 未精制的油料 raw rubber 生橡胶 raw water 生水,未经纯化的水 ray 射线,辐射线 rayon 人造纤维 reabsorption 再吸收 reachin freezer 冻结柜,冷冻柜 reachin refrige;原材料raw material 云母mica 皂石,块滑石steatite dolomite白云土 terracotta红土 constructionbuilding material 建白材料 陶瓷质地和类型 Qualities Types of Pottery White Body 白胎 碧玉细炻器 jasper 薄胎瓷 thin china;n m#601#712t#618#601ri#601l 美 me#618n m#601#712t#618ri#601l例句What is the main material of this synthetic shirt原材料英语?这件混合纤维衬衣的主要材料是什么。

Since recently the prices of the raw materials and the labor cost have been much raised, the cost of our production has increased constantly I#39m afraid that we have to adjust the prices of our products;原材料 raw material company #39k#652mp#601nin 公司陪伴,同伴连队 vt 陪伴 vi 交往 例句Big boss booted him out of the company for not working大老板以他不工作为由把他开除出公司cost;1相同点be made of 和be made from 都可以表示由制成2区别是否能看出原材料be made of 是表示可以看出原材料反之,be made from 表示不能看出原材料3举例说明This table is made of woods这张。

Dumplings,as defined in a standard English dictionary,fall in two main categoriesthese are either quotpieces of dough,sometimes filled,that are cooked in liquid such as water or soupquot or alternatively quot;问题二仓库用英文怎么说 有好几种1depository 2depot 3storage 4storehouse 5warehouse 问题三仓库用英语怎么说? 仓库warehouse 物料material 仓管manager of the warehouse 进口import 出口export 原材;原材料反应物只有三种,氧由空气提供,不需要气流作为稀释剂技术级的丙烯92-93%,平衡剂为丙烷和无水化肥级氨水就能满足要求过高的烯烃是不希望有的,以为它们形成会烦扰纯化步骤的副产物气体的反应物被预混合;由制成看得出原材料的英语是be made of例句The desk is made of wood翻译这张桌子是由木头制成的类似的短语be made from 由制成看不出原材料例句Wine can be made from rice,sweet;你想问的是be made of和be made from的用法吧,我转了一个,感觉比我说的要好 be made of和be made from都表示“由制成”,主语为制成品1be made of 表示制成成品后,仍可看出原材料是什么,保留原材料。

Because of the current price of raw materials rose sharply, we will increase the sales price, and now the price can not be maintained for too long;问题四“成本”英语怎么说 the costprime costcapitalized cost 问题五quot进行成本核算quot用英语怎么说 Cost accounting 问题六单位成本生产成本银行存款原材料用英语怎么说 单位成本 unit cost 生产成本;谁有西餐原材料英语海鲜类胭脂鱼, 红鲣 red mullet一种越南进口的淡水鱼 basa鲈鱼,青斑鱼 bass带鱼 ribbonfish,beltfish, hiartail鲤鱼 carp鲶鱼 catfish鲢鱼 chub蛤蚌 clams小贝肉 Cockles鳕鱼 cod鳗鱼 Conger。

由某人制造的英文made by sb在某地制造的英文made in XX 由做成看不出原材料的英文made from XX 由做成看得出原材料的英文made of XX made 读法 英 me#618d 美 med1adj;“材质”的英语写法texture 读法英 #39tekst#643#601 美 #39t#603kst#643#602释义n 质地纹理结构本质,实质 texture mapping材质贴图 coarse texture粗结构 texture unit纹理单元 Texture。


标签: 原材料英语



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