

1、Singapore is the busiest port in the world with over 600 shipping lines sending super tankers, container ships and passenger liners to share the busy waters with coastal fishing vessels and wooden lighters 新加;the cultural quarters of Chinatown, Geylang Serai and Little India with the world’s first night safari An incredibly clean city, nothing is allowed to dull the shine – even down to the banning of chewing;When you went to the top of the Merlion looking beneth at the habour at night, you can see the dazzling lights and the dim ship shadow, a good sight of the sea countryhelp me 哈哈,开玩笑的。

2、HI, everyone新加坡旅游英文介绍! Singapore in Southeast Asia, from China#39s close He is a beautiful city Clean air, blue sky and clear water A Night Safari, where a lovely, lazy koalas, he slept during the day and;Its famours landmarks and scenic pots are the Night Safari and Merlion Park which is in Sentosa圣陶沙,新加坡著名也是主要的旅游景点OK,l think you are all very excited to visit them,let us go now新加坡旅游英文介绍! 请用英文介绍一;新加坡名胜景点英文名1,圣陶沙岛,Sentosa圣陶沙岛位于新加坡南部,是东南亚著名海滨旅游岛,跨海大桥将之与新加坡本岛相连圣陶沙马来语意为quot和平与宁静quot,优雅恬静是该岛最大的特色2,新加坡植物园,Singapore Botanic;4 旅游英语石林旅游景点英语介绍5 与“旅行”相关的英语词汇的用法6 景点用英语怎么说 世界著名旅游景点名称中英双语世界著名旅游景点新加坡旅游英文介绍你知道多少,你知道的你又是否能用地道的`英语把它表达出来?下面的世界旅游景点英文盘点,应该;The world#39s busiest port, the modern nation of the Republic of Singapore, was founded as a British trading post on the Strait of Malacca in 1819 Singapore#39s location on the major sea route between India;with Chinatown and Little India thriving as religious and cultural centres and yet, no matter what their ethnic background, each citizen calls themselves a Singaporean 噢,这是介绍新加坡Singapore某旅游景点的;新加坡的官方文字为英文,因此公函商务往来和其他经济业务性质的书信通常以英语为主新加坡的旅游景点新加坡环球影城景点坐落于圣淘沙岛,拥有东南亚独一无二的环球影城主题公园全球最大的海洋生物园赌城各类娱乐演出以及。


3、暂时是中文的,没找到英文的,不好意思~~1 新加坡由一个主岛和63个小岛组成,其中大多数岛屿无人居住2 新加坡是世界最小的20个国家之一,总面积只有6827平方公里美国面 积约为新加坡的15,000倍3 除新加坡旅游英文介绍了摩纳哥;Singapore Chinese 新加坡 pinyin Xīnjiāpō Malay Singapura Tamil #2970#3007#2969#3021#2965#2986#3021#2986#3010#2992#3021, Cingkappūr, officially the Republic of;Its famours landmarks and scenic pots are the Night Safari and Merlion Park which is in Sentosa圣陶沙,新加坡著名也是主要的旅游景点OK,l think you are all very excited to visit them,let us go now! 新加坡简短英文介;新加坡圣淘沙 Crocodile Farm, Thailand 泰国北榄鳄鱼湖 Pattaya Beach, Thailand 泰国芭堤雅海滩 Babylon, Iraq 伊拉克巴比伦遗迹 Mosque of St, Sophia in Istanbul Constantinople, Turkey 土耳其圣索非亚教堂 世界著名旅游景点;you can find most of the branded products from all over the world in here, i love Singapore;In the heart of Asia lies Singapore a bustling, worldclass city state that has made waves around the world for its business excellence, connectivity to the world and its innovationSingapore has been;新加坡环球影城坐落于全球投资额最高内容最丰富的顶级家庭旅游目的地圣淘沙名胜世界之内,其将推出24个过山车和景点Universal Studios Singapore is located in the world#39s highest investment destination and the most;国名释义梵语意为quot狮子城quot别称星洲星岛 国歌新加坡共与国国歌国花热带兰花 面积618平方千米 民族华人占总人口的78%,马来人占14%宗教华人多信奉佛教或道教,其余信奉伊斯兰教印度教等语言。



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