

1、云彩是又一片一片云构成的,所以在英语里必须用 clouds,至于乌云前面加dark 或 black 都可以表达,有一些细微的差别black clouds反射极少光的云或没有突出色彩的云dack clouds缺乏或只有少量光线的云。


2、乌云的英文叫做dark clouds乌云有满布天空的层状云,孤立的积状云,以及波状云等许多种 很厚的层状云,或者积雨云,太阳和月亮的光线很难透射过来,看上去云体就很黑稍微薄一点的层状云和波状云,看起来是灰色,特别。

3、云彩是又一片一片云构成的,所以在英语里必须用 clouds, 至于乌云前面加dark 或 black 都可以表达,有一些细微的差别black clouds反射极少光的云或没有突出色彩的云dack clouds缺乏或只有少量光线的云。

4、rainy 下雨的 heavy rain 暴雨 light rain 小雨 storm 暴风雨 drizzle 毛毛雨 downpour 倾盆大雨 rain cats and dogs 倾盆大雨 black cloud 乌云 cloudy 多云的,阴天的 clouded over乌云密布。

5、1当他想要秘密地做些事情时,他会召集一些乌云围绕在他身旁When he wanted to do something secretly, he would gather dark clouds around him2放学后我想从唐人街买一些中国食品,但是当我看到天上黑压压的乌云的。

6、a big piece of cloud 楼上的云彩要用“块”来形容,不是“个”所以要用a piece of。

7、天上有一些乌云,看起来马上要下雨了There are some dark clouds in the sky and it looks like it is going to rain soon There are some dark clouds in heaven, looks like she#39s going to rain。

8、乌云已经散开了,太阳出来了译The dark clouds have faded away, and the sun comes out。

9、时而飘过几朵白云问题七白云的英文是什么? 5分 light clouds 相对于dark clouds乌云问题八白云英语怎么说 你好白云 The white clouds 问题九白云用英文怎么说 白云White clouds 白云 White clouds。

10、It had been cloudy, chilly, rainy and gray for three days三天以来气温持续偏低,天空不是乌云密布就是阴雨连绵It was November The colorful Autumn leaves had reached their peak and were now falling。

11、I came to the world for the sunshine, but I didn#39t know there are clouds besides the sunshine until I came to the world求采纳。

12、乌云消散了,太阳出来了 The dark clouds faded away and the sun came out。

13、作为单句结构,我建议如下Flash lights up the dark cloudy sky,thunder shakes the wild windy landA storm is coming译文为“闪电照亮了乌云笼罩的天空,雷鸣震撼着狂风呼啸的大地一场骤雨将至”因为是单独成句。

14、天空乌云密布,电闪雷鸣,不一会儿,下起了瓢泼大雨The sky was covered with thick dark clouds, and soon followed by lightnings and thunders In no time at all, it was down pouring以上是最标准的英语翻译。

15、7The sky clouded as if it was going to rain天上乌云密布,好像快要下雨了8The plane is flying in cloud飞机正在云中飞9The presence or absence of clouds can have an important impact on。

16、“白云”的英文是cloud cloud 读音英kla#650d美kla#650dn白云云状物一团阴影vi布满云显得阴沉看起来忧愁vt使难以理解使朦胧不清使减少乐趣混淆第三人称单数clouds 复数clouds。

标签: 乌云的英语



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