

She has long hair 英 h#603#601 美 h#603rn 头发,毛发 动植物的毛 一丝丝,些微 毛发织物。

My friend#39s name is lily, she has long hair and big eyes She is very thin and very tall long hair 长长的头发, big eyes 大大的眼睛, thin瘦, tall 高。

hair头发的英式音标为h#603#601美式音标为h#603rhair的名词释义为头发,毛发 动植物的毛 一丝丝,些微 毛发织物 指“人动物的毛,茸毛,汗毛”时是可数名词,可与。

这句话的英语就是 My mom has long hair,cherry mouth and big eyes。

My favourite teacher is English teacher, she is very beautiful with long hair翻译成,我最喜欢的老师是英语老师,她很美,有着长长的头发。

I have small eyes and long hair, and I have long legs。

把我有一双大眼睛,有一个小鼻子,有一个小嘴巴,有一个圆圆的脸,有一双耳朵,有长长的头发翻译成英语i have big eyes,a small nose,a small mouse,a round face,ears and long hair。

我有一个姐姐她今年十四岁她也是个学生他有一双小眼睛和长长的头发英文I have a old sister She is 14 years old, and a student too She has a pair of small eyes and long hair。

My English teacher Chen, tall, with long hair and big eyes, is very strict读法 英 str#618kt 美 str#618ktadj 要求严格的,严厉的命令或规则必须严格遵守的严谨的,精确的,严密的。

二出处 这个表达并没有特定的出处,它是一个简单的英语短语,用于描述一个人的发型在英语中,人们常常用“with”加形容词来描述一个人的外貌特征例如,“with long hair”可以描述一个人头发长当加上“straight”。

My good friend My good friend is a girlShe is as old as me and very beautifulShe has two big eyes ,a very lovely nose and a cute mouthShe has long hair and her skin looks a bit blackShe is。

回答My English teacher最好写Miss+姓氏is a beautiful chiness,she has long hare , big eyes small nose and small mouth and she is very tell She is my favourite teacher。

I have a friend who is a girl and she#39s shyShe has a long hair of middle height,with blackframeglasses on her faceShe like smileDo you know who she is。

英文翻译She is beautiful She is tall and has long hair重点单词1漂亮beautiful 读音英 #712bjut#618fl 美 #712bjut#601f#601l释义adj美丽的,美好的极好的 2头发。

头发的英语hair英he#601r美herhair造句1The fallen person was a woman, with streaks of white in her hair and wearing ragged clothes跌倒的是一个女人,花白头发,衣服都很破烂2This one。

我和他有许多相同的地方,我们都一样高都有好看和长长的头发,很喜欢跳舞I have many things in common with him We are all the same height, we have goodlooking and long hair, and we like to dance。


例句Repairs to the cable did not take too long 释义电缆的维修没有花太长的时间2blonde,英语名词形容词名词意思是白肤金发碧眼女人形容词意思是头发亚麻色的,金色的白皙的白肤金发碧眼的。

I have a family with four peopleMy father,mother and my sister are too fat,but I am too thinMy father is very tall,my mother and my sister both are not too tall or too shortMy sister is。



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