

1、麻烦麻烦英语的英语是bother读法英 #712b#594#240#601r 美 #712bɑ#720#240#601rv 费心使烦恼,使担心打扰,烦扰使不舒服,使疼痛 n 麻烦,不便讨厌的人或事。

2、麻烦 词典 trouble troublesome bother inconvenient例句这事要是太麻烦,麻烦英语你就别费神了不,一点也不麻烦Don#39t bother if it#39s too much troubleNo trouble at all。

3、麻烦的英文problemproblem意思是问题1problem problem,英语词汇,名词形容词,作名词时意为“难题引起麻烦的人”,作形容词时意为“成问题的难处理的”英#712pr#594bl#601m美#712prɑ#。

4、麻烦的英文bother bother 读法 英 #39b#594#240#601 美 #39bɑ#240#6021vt 烦扰,打扰使不安使恼怒 2vi 操心,麻烦烦恼 3n 麻烦烦恼 短语1don#39t bother。

5、名词trouble 形容词 troubled, messy, boring。

6、1 费事 troublesome inconvenient 这事要是太麻烦, 你就别费神了 不, 一点也不麻烦Don#39t bother if it#39s too much trouble No trouble at all你如果这样做就会自找麻烦 You will bring trouble。


7、bothering意思是“让人感觉烦”Eg It is really bothering to explain that to her跟她解释那事真是个麻烦事儿如果你所说的麻烦是“棘手”之意,可以说a hard nut to crackeg It is a hard nut to crack。

8、问题一麻烦用英语怎么说 20分 1troublesome inconvenient定a troublesome matter a bore3to trouble 问题二“太麻烦了”这句话用英语怎么说呢 It#39s too troublesome 问题三太麻烦您了英文怎么写 直译。

9、trouble既可以作动词,也可以作名词1麻烦英语我遇到了一些麻烦i#39ve got some trouble名词2不好意思麻烦你了i#39m sorry to trouble you动词。

10、陷入麻烦英语短语是get into trouble词典get into trouble be in a spot 例句But larger Banks can get into trouble when these two principles get mixed up然而,一旦上述两大优势混合起来,大银行就也可能陷入。

11、i am writing this letter in responding the discussion about online surfing of school students in our school I think it#39s the most important to establish a proper network environment for the students, which。

12、1 Nowadays, the campus was fashionable a words be something to give me a cell phone Especially good family condition of students, some actually have three or four mobile phone, and more and more。

13、“很抱歉给您添了麻烦”用英语翻译应该是I#39m sorry to have caused you troublehave用作助动词时,可与动词的过去分词或“been+现在分词”连用,构成动词的各种完成时态sorry作形容词时意思是对不起的抱歉的难过的。

14、真的麻烦用英语怎么说Oh drat!口语,表示真讨厌,真麻烦!so much trouble真麻烦so troublesome真麻烦it is really too troublesome 用汉语拼音就是yi ci rui li tu chua bou se mu。

15、1How can you go there by noi means money麻烦英语?2What do you mean by saying so?3It didn#39t take long for me to get used to the way of doing best way to win resoect is to respect。

标签: 麻烦英语



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