

这句话要这么说“I Love You”楼上的都是笨蛋,这么浪漫的事,搞的又复杂又无趣兄弟,你要真照这么长的句子念,估计还没念完,对方已经迷糊了;1这里的天气不冷也不热It is neither hot nor cold here2王刚跑得那么快,我们都追不上他Wanggang runns so fast that we can#39t catch up with him3你们喜爱听音乐吗?Do you like music?4请你告诉我。

此时,天堂一片宁静,凡间的声音已可听到,小孩明白自己得赶紧上路了他又轻声问了最后一个问题“哦,上帝,假如我现在就出发,请你告诉我,我的天使叫什么名字”God touched the child on the shoulder and answered;Elder sister, you recent how ignored me, did I do wrong? If it is so, please tell me which make you, or let me at ease some Since you don#39t want to leave me, I never would have to find you。

If you miss me, please tell me that you are missing me;a waste of powder Would you please tell me!贵国即将处理这一粉末废料的问题请你告诉我Greetings once again you and your family 再次问候你和你全家Sincerely hope that you can reply 真诚希望你能回复。


If you are enjoying the happiness you forget me if you are suffering from Unfortunately, you please tell me。


你好刘老师,很高兴见到你英文Hello Miss Liu, nice to meet you。

My dear,would you please tell me if I could be the one you love 。

If I do something wrong, please tell me, don#39t let us get so there is no reason to break up。

Could you tell me what is the meaning of this?这是向对方请教某些事情。

请你告诉我 英文

1、楼上是用翻译软件翻得吧 只有中国人能看懂 楼主是不是想问 可否告诉我 我们之前按照你们生产要求生产的产品,在具体哪些方面不合格请回复我们的邮件 could you please tell me按照你的意思应该这样翻,但我觉得你如果。

2、I#39m sorry that day I said,because I was too impulsiveI do not know if you are still angryI want to be your pardon now Please speak to me if you don#39t pardon me I say English because I can。

3、When my heart breaks, please tell me how can I make it ends, or should I pretend to be not caring and smile like always。

4、dismoidireà moi的第二人称单数命令式,请你告诉我 ditesmoidireà moi的第二人称尊称命令式,请您告诉我 pourquoi疑问词,为什么 告诉我为什么不说爱我英文翻译为Tell me why dont say love m。

5、你好参考如下Please tell me how to stop me from missing you地道的翻译就不能直译 百度教育团队海纳百川团为您解答 如满意,请点击“选为满意答案”按钮,谢谢 ,0。

6、I want to know what#39s wrong with you today, would you please tell me。




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