

发展的主要障碍是这个国家人口太多三society 1含义n 社会共同遵守一定的习俗法律等的特定群体社团协会上层社会社交圈交往2用法 1531年进入英语,直接源自古法语的societe最初源自古典拉丁语;随着社会的发展英语是With the development of society 双语例句 1随着社会信息化的发展,社会不平等的原因和结构性质也发生了变化As informatization progresses in society, the cause and structural nature of social in;节约能源,保护环境\r\n随着当今社会的迅速发展,科学技术越来越发达人们的生活条件也越来越好了但在幸福生活的背后,却隐藏着一系列的问题与祸患\r\n别的不说,就说节约能源吧可能有人会说这个问题我们早就已经。

nowadays,people can communicate with others by using the cell phone and the internet,while in 30 years ago,mails and communal phones are in the dominant position with the development of the society and the;对社会发展有影响英语为Impact on social development 对社会发展有影响英语例句如下1The Paper Discussed The Importance Of Highway Engineering Project Social Influence Evaluation,And Proposed Its Method And Evaluation。


翻译Social development 涉及到#高考单词2, #CET4单词1, #考研单词1,高考development, social CET4development 考研social 相关英语单词 development 单词释义发展发育成长壮大开发研制研制成果发展事态,进展情况;of society, environmental issues are getting more and more attention重点词汇随着的发展With the development of越来越more and more 环境问题environmental issue 社会发展Social development;随着社会的快速发展用英语的说法为With the rapid development of society在翻译这段话的时候,要注意英语和汉语语言特点不同,英语中有很多的固定搭配和语法结构,需要熟悉这些特点,正确理解和运用不同行业领域有自己的;With the development of the society,great changes have taken place in our lives;社会在发展,人类在进步 The society is moving forward and human being are advancing。

With the development of the society nowadays,the people#39s life are becoming more and more richer诚心解答,请给好评,谢谢~;它独创的“三维英语学习法”融合了先进的多媒体技术外教小班面授和真实英语环境,彻底改变了传统英语学习模式的弊端,带来全新的现代英语学习概念环亚琅文@现代英语给中国公众带来的是现代化个性化更简单更快捷和更具;At this stage of social development is rapid, especially, particularly prominent in the development of science and technology, hightech enterprises in the whole society#39s role is becoming more and more important;Social and economic development in China and the Westeconomic,英语单词,形容词,作形容词时译为“经济的,经济上的经济学的”1If so, this economic activity what is the point?如果是这样,这个经济活动的;随着经济和社会的发展的英语翻译With the development of economy and society 英语翻译技巧1增译主语由于英文表达习惯,常常用一些抽象名词作为主语,而中文的表达习惯则需要把抽象变为具体英文中常常会为了避免重复。



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