

1、保护环境的英语作文一 Now, our side of the car constant more up, the environment also increasingly worse! That the air around us there are many harmful substances Therefore, we want to Sue around things start t。


2、保护环境的英语作文4 The environmental protection is the most major problem which in the modern life the humanity faces Must solve this problem must start from foundation First, must massively propagandize, e。

3、保护环境英语作文篇1 Due to the poor environmental hygiene in the world, these are all manifested in the treatment of life garbage It will bring about the impact of environmental pollution on human beings Therefore, I。

4、保护环境的措施英语作文1 Although the world develops much faster and better,the resources on the earth get fewer and fewerIn order to protect them,something must be doneSave water Water is the source。

5、保护环境的英语作文 篇1 Concerned people have made some progress in environmental protection Governments of many countries have established laws to protect the air, forests and sea resources and to stop environmental pollution。

6、篇一关于保护环境的英语作文 We live in the beautiful earth, it#39s a pity that the earth is every day under the various odor, chemical items, poison, carrion, automobile exhaust, living garbage, factories。

7、保护我们的环境英语作文80词篇1 The environmental pollution is worse and worse more and more seriously today Water is polluted we have no clean water to drink Many trees are cutting down, some animals。

8、篇一如何保护环境英语作文 As we all know, pollution is harmful to living beings There are many different types of pollutions in this world For instance, water pollution, air pollution, noise pollution and so on。


10、平时写过的 英语 作文 之后,对于环保,大家有什么想法吗?下面是我给大家带来怎样保护环境英语作文,供大家参阅!如何保护环境英语作文50词篇1 Global warming in the Antarctic glaciers melt faster, sea level will。

11、如何保护环境英语作文 如何保护环境英语作文,抒情和说理是作文永恒的表达方式,每个人的写作方式都是不一样的,英语写作看句式掌握,还有词汇量要多,这样写作起来就得心应手,现在分享如何保护环境英语作文写作方法如何保护。

12、提起环保,相信很多人都会想到这句话保护环境,人人有责你知道怎么写一篇如何保护环境的英语作文吗?下面是我给大家精心挑选的如何保护环境初中英语作文3篇希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读!如何保护环境初中英语作文篇1 We。

13、如何保护环境英语作文如下How to protect the environment has become one of the biggest problems in the worldSince the environment is very bad,such as water pollution,air pollution and so on Why is the。

14、#英语资源# 导语环保问题的问题,既可以通过英文来了解,也可以通过中文翻译来了解下面是由 给大家整理的如何保护环境初一英语作文带翻译,供大家参阅! 篇一如何保护环境初一英语作文带翻译 quotProtecting the。

15、#英语资源# 导语地球能满足人类的需要,但满足不了人类的贪婪,辛福生活不只在于丰衣足食,也在于碧水蓝天从现在起,积极保护环境吧!以下是 无 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读 1如何保护环境英语作文 The moon shines。



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