

1、1 abit,a little bit, some kinds of 2 With two legs 3 day 4 Our friendly 5 Water and food places 6 The long hair of the girl A symbol of good luck 8 stuff from ivory 9 walk for a;对我很友好的英文be friendly to me friendly英 #712frendli 美 #712fr#603ndliadj友好的,亲密的有帮助的互助的 n友谊赛 1I have some English friends and they are very friendly;I like me very much mathematics teacher, because he is very friendly to me, attends class when is very serious, but finishes class time is very actually active, he has a pitchblack big eye, he attends。

2、他对我们很友好的英文是He is friendly to us双语例句 1He is friendly to usAnd what#39s more,he studies very well他对我们很友好,而且,他学得很好2He is a man with a good sense of humour and;The people there are very polite, they are very friendly to us We had a wonderful trip;we learned to be kind and friendly to other people 我们学会了对别人和善友好he was always friendly to his subordinate officers 他对他的下属职员总是很友好 all right , everyone he #39 s coming be nice。


3、The children are friendly with each other in the playground孩子们在操场上彼此友好相处quotbe friendly to sbquot这个表达方式强调的是一方对另一方的友好态度它表示某人对另外一个人的友好,而不一定强调另外一个。

4、它是人类的好帮手,它对人类非常友好It is a good helper of mankind, it is very friendly and human;上面的回答中没有一个对的正确答案 The teachers are very kindfrendly to us and I like them very much他们,所以老师是复数 两个简单句构成一个句子,中间应该使用关联词否则使用句号或者封号隔开;我们的英语老师对我们很友好的英文Our teachers are very friendly to usfriendly adj国家或政府友好的,无敌意的亲切的,友爱的朋友般的,要好的部队,装备我军的,友军的善意的好用的支持的。

5、回答When I was a little boygirl, my mother was strict with me Were your friends in school doing well? She is very friendly with us。



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