

As we all know, as it is known by all众所周知the world 即可表示全世界了;楼上两位虽然说了不少种,但有一部分其实虽然看起来不同,其实却完全是生搬硬套!而剩余的那一部分,完全就是低级表达法简单的我不赘述,你看他们的就行,下面告诉你两个句式,用出来绝对加分,老师看到绝对会眼前一亮It is。

“众所周知” 英文翻译as everyone knows 词组解析 “众所周知” 在英文中被翻译为 as everyone knows,为常见的固定搭配用法其中as的含义为正如,词性为连词everyone 为名词,等于everybody,意思是“每个人”,不指;英 n#601#650 美 no#650v 了解知道认识 n 知情 I didn#39t know the truth until she told me what happened直到她告诉我发生的事,我才了解真相近义词 learn 英 l#604#720n。


众所周知,手机在我们日常生活中扮演着一个重要的角色As everyone knows,mobile phone plays an important role in our daily life望采纳,谢谢;as we know,we all agree thateveryone knows thateveryone agree thatwellknown as is wellknown as we all can see it is wellknown that以上任何一个+ he is a hero。

由于众所周知的原因,很多职员没有准时到达公司,会议被迫取消 schedule,cancelOwing to the wellknown reason,many staff failed to arrive at the company on time and the scheduled meeting was cancelled。


问题一“众所周知”用英文怎么翻译 It is well known thatAs we all knowas known to allas is well knownit#39s monly known thatnotablynotiouslybe universally widely known Everybody knows。

众所周知,英语是As we all know例句As we all know, some of today#39s children are overweight because they eat too much fast food众所周知,今天很多孩子都超重了,因为他们吃了太多的快餐详细解释all。

As everyone knows,mobile phone plays an important role in our daily life语法1As everyone knows众所周知 as引导非限制性定语从句,指代整个主句内容,从句可置于句首,句中或句尾2plays an important。


1、太多“众所周知”了as everyone knowsas is known to all as is well known ,as we all know,It is wellknown that ,come to light that,people all know。

2、1 As we all know, these islands have always been part of Chinese territory2 When you plan a project, each of these aspects must be carefully considered3 These children were well taken care of at。

3、It is wellknown that 大家悉知 it is widely acceptable that 广泛认可 it is just as amatteroffacts practice这就是既定现实言外之意,潜规则notorious 臭名远扬 wellacknowledged广泛认可。

4、众所周知,高三压力的确很大,但你要有良好的心态 It#39s wellknown that the study pressure in Grade 3, Senior High School is pretty big, and it requires you a good mindset to help pass through。

5、Paul challenged me for another basketball gameFree medical care is shared by every body in their countryI have already found out a lot of restaurant dos and don#39tsTalk to him more,you will find that。



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