

1b Conversation 1 对话1Girl1He#39s really good八年级下册英语听力, isn#39t he? 八年级下册英语听力他真八年级下册英语听力的表演得很好,不是吗Girl 2He sure is! I come to all his concerts他的确是他的每场音乐会我都来Girl1Do you have;速求人教版英语八年级下册 Unit2 sectionA 2a 听力原文 2a ListenPeter#39s friend is giving him advice Circle the word #39could#39 or #39should#39you hear A Hey,Peter what#39s wrong? B I had an argument with my best;八年级英语下人教版 教材听力原文 1 UNIT 1 Section A 1b Listen and look at the picture Then number the names15 Conversation 1 NurseYou don’t look well What’s the matter, Sarah? SarahI was playi;Section A 1b Listen and complete the sentencesTeacherYesterday, we learned some important geographical facts I hope you all still remember them I’m going to test you now by asking a few questions。

八年级下册英语听力unit1 2a Listen and number the pictures 15 in the order you hear themConversation 1 Girl 1You donrsquot look well Your face looks a bit redGirl 2Yeah, and my head fee;第一单元A1B 你认为在一百年后人们家里将有机器人吗 是的,我认为,我在电视上看见机器人打扫厨房 我认为人们将不会使用钱 你认为任何东西都是免费得 有可能 我认为将只有一个国家 全;听力原文 ReporterSo, what were you doing when the UFO arrived? 那,飞碟到来时你正在做什么?Girl 1Well, I was standing in front of the library? 嗯,我正站在图书馆的前面Boy 1I was sleeping late;Section A 1b 老师昨天,我们学了一些重要的地理事实我希望你们都还记得现在我将问几个问题测验你们第一,世界上最高的山是什么男孩2珠穆朗玛峰它比世界上其他的山峰都高老师正确谁能告诉我撒哈拉;链接 ?pwd=4cfv 提取码 4cfv 外研版初中英语听力外研版初中英语七年级下册同步听力外研版初中英语七年级上册同步听力外研版初中英语九年级上册同步听力外研。

DaveWhat are you listening to, Alex? The song sounds really good戴夫你在听什么,亚历克斯这首歌听起来很好AlexHey, Dave! I’m listening to a band called“The Toms” Have;八年级下英语听力 UNIT 1 Section A 1b Listen and look at the picture Then number the names15Conversation 1 NurseYou donrsquot look well Whatrsquos the matter, Sarah?SarahI was playin。

您可前往步步高网站下载,步步高的网站是英语听力的相关介绍听力常作为一种考试题型,目的在于考察应试者对英语语言的把握,考察考生对英语日常交流的理解能力通常有听对话选择答案听句子默写关键;鲁教版五四制初中英语六年级下册听力音频打包下载rar百度网盘资源免费下载 链接 ?pwd=rjb4 提取码 rjb4;1 1我的英语书写是好的,但是我需要提高我的听力技能2我不理解,你能再解释一下吗3孩子们从两点开始看这个电影并且它至今没有放完4你已决定放学后想要做什么吗5他是一个导游他已经旅了行整个欧洲3;Girl 1What did Marcia say? 马西娅说什么了Girl 2She said she was having a surprise party for Lana On Friday night她说周五晚上她要参加一个为兰娜准备的惊喜聚会Girl 1What did Marcia say? 马西娅说。

During the Spring Festival, I ate delicious meal almost every day, so that my weight gained a lot and my body looked fatterWhen I came back to school in the new term, all myclassmates are so surprised。




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