

如何正确使用网络的英语作文篇1 The computer is one kind of tool,is uses to us,but not plays The academic society uses the human is a smart person,will only play the human will be the stupid person,you;ASusan, what did you do on the networkBI often chat with my friends and shopping use it,but just few times to study on itSo how about you?APlay games, listen to music when i。

互联网的确为英语学习提供了很多方便,但是互联网的时代也是个信息爆炸的时代,我们到底应该怎么使用互联网来更好的学习英语呢首先要记住,学习一门语言是个渐进的过程,不可能一夜学成尽早确定你学习的客观因素你想要学习;As a student,we can#39t live without the internet,because It is very helpful to our everyday study ,Also,when we feel tired after hours#39 work,we can play computer games or chat with our classmates and。

As in recent years the popularity of computer and network the rapid development of young people began to contact and use of computers, and many people to the Internet as their leisure is an important part of;听录音跟读模仿对我们英语口语发音有极大的帮助,而文字稿则可以帮助我们检查自己的听力, 帮助我们对听力资料实现复述,这对于我们提高英语口语能力帮助极大3通过网络可观看英语电影学习英语歌曲 可以利用英语歌曲电影。

我们应该合理利用网络英语We should make rational use of the Internet英语英语English是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来;写作思路根据自己对于网络的理解,表达出自己对网络的看法,力求真实,使用的语法简单正文The Internet is a lively object for all people It makes all people indulge in it It is like an invisible killer。


7 用互联网好处的句子,英语汉语都要 1The Internet has brought us a thousand miles of communication convenience 互联网给我们带来了千里沟通的方便 2The Internet has brought us resources to share 互联网给我们带来了。


“如何正确使用网络”英语作文 When we can use the network correctly, the correct understanding of the network has become a must learn It should be a more difficult to understand the network correctly, because。


3网络可观看英语电影学习英语歌曲 其次,还可以利用英语歌曲电影,尤其是有双语字幕的电影来实现输入歌曲电影的趣味性可以激发英语口语学习的兴趣,以兴趣作老师,学习效率便可在极大的程度上得到提高电影故事的完整。

自觉遵守网络文明,上网时不使用侮辱谩骂性的语言聊天不轻易和网友约会,自觉遵守互联网规范,自觉抵制不良网络信息的侵害当然实际情况比说的要难控制好心态别把网络 网络游戏当职业就可以了`哎,在电脑普及之前`电子游戏。

以下是作文,纯手工,纯原创^~^As modern technology develops, the use of computers and the Internet becomes increasingly common and popular The Internet is fast and convenient as I can search for information。


Reasonable use of network 例句因此,要提高P2P网络的性能必须考虑节点的自主行为,激励节点之间有效合作并合理使用网络资源Therefore, to improve the performance of P2P networks, the peers#39 voluntary operations must be。



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